Fair enough, all I hear when I am in Montana or talking to Montana folks is they love the traditions they have with a long deer season and coming home to hunt the week of thanksgiving. It reminds of the Wyoming residents wanting to keep the general seasons even though the deer are suffering...
We have come along way on this thread from Montana residents trying to help the NR do it yourselfer by defeating the outfitters bid at dedicated tags, to lets just NR crowd apply for small units that will undoubtedly cause point creep and supply and demand issues. Maybe it wasn't about sticking...
There are a bunch of federal and state subsidized businesses out there. Farmers, airlines, vehicle manufacturers, banks just to name a few. I'm sure there are more especially with the stimulus packages being sent out.
I have been hunting SE Montana for the last 25 years as a non-resident. I...
How would hunting be in Eastern Montana if it was all public land and no private? I have seen what happens to private once it is enrolled in block management. The deer get pushed to the adjacent private land and off the block management after the initial slaughter. There is more to managing...
Actually not trying to bust your balls. I wish you would tell Oregon how to run their wildlife, because you would do a better job. I was trying to point out that everyone cares about wildlife, no matter where they hang their hat. You made a fair point on the amount of NR tags available...
I know Buzz's history, hunting successes and what he does for wildlife. I'm not disputing that at all. What I was referring to is on other sites he has said that the non residents should not have a opinion on how the state is running their wildlife, that is up to the citizens of the state.
Why are you opposing it in Montana if the decisions are up to the residents of each state? Also, why did so many Montana residents care about how many tags do it yourself non residents get? I agree that good outfitters will make it on their own, no doubt. I don't think public land should...
It's funny how things repeat. If you go back in time the thought was if they did away with outfitter sponsored tags in Montana, all the private land would open back up for the residents and all the outfitters would go out of business. How did that work out? Outfitters should be allowed tags...
Usually if a issue is move to a committee, the committee is given a time frame to come up with a proposal for the legislature. Does anyone know if that happened and if so, when is it due?
Here it is, unit number and additional residents that get tags,
87-8 more residents
89-16 more residents
90-8 more residents
101-1 more resident (no random tags now, that's why the numbers are off)
102-5 more residents
128-5 more residents
130-2 more residents (no random tags now)
Here are the straight percentage predictions for the same deer units I did above, except these are for NR. I took the total amount of regular and special applications for each unit in 2020. I then took the quotas published for this year and reduced the amount of tags down to 10 percent. This...
I'm a deer hunter at heart so I crunched some numbers for some of the top deer units in Wyoming with a 90/10 split. I took the available tag numbers for 2021 off of the proposed tag numbers on the Wyoming Fish and Game website. I used the amount of residents applying for each unit from the...
Outfitters in Alberta have a different system than the states. The own the allocations which allow them to buy the tags. The allocations are expensive to buy, but once you buy them, you have them. Then they need to pay a renewal fee/I think it is called something else every year to use the...
South Dakota has some issues on OnX. They don't have all the private landowners informations in some counties due to the way the counties report their data. You will see the public, private in some counties, but just public in others. Kind of a bummer because some counties are mostly private...
Retired after 29 years at age 50. I wanted to hunt more and was seeing folks that I worked with and retired just start passing unexpectedly. Lots of them had points and plans, but didn't get after it. I continued to work for the state in a part time role, which kept my insurance in tact...
Late to this conversation. I remember the exuberance on the posting boards when by the do it yourself guys and NR when the outfitter sponsored deer tags went away. Everyone said that the outiftters would go away and that Montana would turn back into the old days of knocking on doors for access...
Big Fin,
I think that is the most cogent explanation of the past 25 years in the big game tag festival out west and is exactly what I witnessed. I live in Oregon so I dabble here, but wouldn't have anyone with any sense investing. I am at the same place in UT as you, once I draw my limited...
I have always been concerned with the kill the older bucks approach to CWD. I also don't believe that it is killing all of the older class bucks in the units. Do they say what units don't have any mature bucks, I'm sure the hunters of Wyoming could tell you if that is true including...