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  1. B

    1st time Arrow selection help.

    not quite there yet, as soon as my bow and all accessories arrive, i plan on taking it to a local shop to have it all professionally set up and adjusted for me. so i'll also ask for recommendations there. *but i think i'll be 29.5"dl
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    Colorado apps?

    sounds like we may have hunted same Tag(group of GMU's) :) area i parked in was jam packed with Wall tents and horse trailers. funny enough i drove separate from my hunting partner, so we had 2 cars there. were able to park with enough space between our cars and trailers on either...
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    1st time Arrow selection help.

    i was leaning towards highest possible Spine # (stiffest), is there a downside to this?
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    1st time Arrow selection help.

    Tha ks. I like the idea of buying few individual different arrows to test.
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    1st time Arrow selection help.

    ok, so i decided to give Archery a try in 2021. i will say that i am 100% NEW to archery, a complete beginner, so what i know so far is thanks to friends who do hunt archery currently. i have a new bow on the way, all set up with premium accessories, so that part is taken care of. it...
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    Help understanding WY draws odds (<)

    is that for ANTELOPE GMU-44? (-06) :geek: those odds have been dropping every year. they've been cutting Tags there every year since 2016. you can also call WY G&F and ask about specific unit and if they're going to increase/drop quota again? otherwise those odds may drop even more. OP...
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    Excel list for Wyoming harvest data

    i just tried to export it into Excel to see what it would look like and unlike Draw odds which are easy to Filter on after putting into Excel, i find that WY Harvest odds have too many headers/fields to try and clean up for Excel use. Excel version of Harvest odds just does Not seem very...
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    How cold is too cold?

    some thought on your set up: 1. sleeping bags loose loft over the years. Down faster than Synthetic. Especially if when stored off-season you have them in their StuffSack. so that 30F bag from 5-10 years ago may now be closer to 40F, and that 0F is more like 10-15F. materials break...
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    What Cartridges Have You Killed Big Game With This Season?

    .270 WIN 145gr Hornady Eld-X Elk Bull 300m .270 WIN 145gr Hornady Eld-X Mule Buck under 100meters .270 WIN 145gr Hornady Eld-X Mule Fawn 250m .270 WIN 145gr Hornady Eld-X Elk Cow 120m
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    Idaho tags capped now!

    Landowner tag would require me to have access to a private property which i dont. so how is that going to help me? and having funds to pay double of what i'm currently paying for resident tags does not equate to having funds to find better *(private) opportunity if thats what you were...
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    Actual Weight of Meat - Can we be honest?

    1st rifle CO young Bull 3x5 Pack out weights: Front Q1 - 33lbs Front Q2 - 30lbs Rear q1 - 39lbs Rear q2 - 42lbs Backstraps- 8.6lbs Tenderloins - 2.4lbs Tongue 1 lb Heart 1.75lbs Liver 5.2lbs Trimmings 11lbs Total Meat packed out (on bone) 174lbs Head/Antlers another 17lbs Final weight after...
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    InReach or Zoleo?

    They do have Emergency GPS units (PLB Personal Locator Beacons) for just that, an emergency and nothing else. U pay one time and its own built in battery is good for some 10years or something like that. ARC Electronics seems to be most popular
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    '21 Elk in Wy

    i'm in CO, but weather wise its similar. except WY gets 3x as much wind. Yes- plan for cold temps. you can check the weather up to day off, and unless it really shows clear skies with steady 50-60F temps for next 10 days, you can then adjust, but typically in the mountains weather can change...
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    Idaho tags capped now!

    as a new hunter of 2 seasons only so far, my only experience has been huge crowds here in CO, but i'm dealing with it and still being successful with that being said: i'd go as far as saying i'll be glad to pay DOUBLE of what my current resident tags cost if that meant 1/2 the crowds. *i...
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    Hornady SST vs ELD-X

    i tried both at the range. SST kicked a bit more and didnt produce as tight of groups as ELD-X did. i settled on ELD-X as it provided best groups,. and so far i've been extremely happy with performance. i'm using 270 WIN i've now shot Elk, Deer and Antelope with it. Antelopes were at...
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    'Waterproofing' Sheep Boots

    what he said. even if it's not raining, but you're hiking alot your feet will sweat especially in insulated boot. so if not from outside, they will get wet from inside.
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    SPEC.-OPS. brand backpack?

    22L is great for a daypack to carry hydration bladder, 1st aid kit, rain gear, ETC even the UltraLightweight guys would not do 2 nights with a 22L pack. it's just not big enough. you're also in OCT hunt, so it will be cooler temps, and if you're bringing a 0F sleeping bag, it takes up alot of...
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    Can you out live point creep?

    and here i am with 2 points for Big Horn sheep in CO in my mid/late 30's, hoping i might just get lucky one year when i start applying. **theoretically speaking it could happen :) :) :) the way i see it, that $50 yearly now, is just my donation to CPW for wildlife management.
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    Seeth's 2020 Hunting Log

    Don’t forget that if its the AO SC (Antler-less Only Season Choice) tag its technically good for 2 does. Look at it. Im not sure if u have the regular or WT only. But either way both have 1Doe + bonus WT doe And congrats. That is one heck of a season planned out
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    Can you out live point creep?

    I kind of like that idea

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