quick question for those more knowledgeable, this is my first time applying for -01 (Any Antelope) tag, and if i were so lucky to draw:
1. can i add Archery option at a later date? *(i'm just getting into archery and am not sure if i'll be willing or able due to limited time commit to...
Another thing to keep in mind is that Wildlife management agencies use that money to manage wildlife, so if all of a sudden their revenue drops off due to discounted tags, perhaps they wont be able to manage to the same level ? Just a thought
I have not seen anyone mention this yet: Spring Turkey OTC. Plenty of spots with in hour of Denver. Yes it will be crowded but you will still have a good chance at filling a tag.
Lots of great fishing and hiking.
Ignore alot of shittalk you see on here about Denver especially by people from...
didnt see anyone mention this yet (if it was, then great): make sure to bring a water purifier/filter and figure out water sources in the area you'll be hunting.
generally speaking CO high country running water sources are very clean. i personally carry a Sawyer MINI filter, it's something...
just to confirm,
if i enter with lets say 1pt for some unit, and dont draw based on points.
i still go into 25% NR pool for a complete random draw,
is this correct?
I personally use InReach Mini. And just watch battery usage on my phone on multi day trips.
if i had to pick between Explorer and 66i id go with Explorer. Its battery in same settings seems to be 3x longer than rhe 66i. To me navigation is not as important as just like you i use my phone for...
Yes, there's some access below Alcova (also good place to set up camp) and a huge section below Gov't Bridge.. *(that being said: make sure to know the private boundaries. PL owners out there do patrol it regularly, and their guides who float there will also call you in if you're over the...
You already got tons of good advice on here about hunting, so ill change topic to your drive out. You said -3days for driving. Is that total as in you’re thinking 1.5 days from PA to WY each way? Doable if very long days which really wont leave you with any daylight by the time you arrive on...
^ also want more info. i'm set on Fixed BH's, but i think if i go after Antelope i may want to switch to Mechanical if it'll allow me to stretch the distance out a bit?
Bushman, for what it's worth: i'm a new hunter,
2019 was my 1st year hunting anything. - i did manage to fill my very first ELK tag (cow) on the 4th day, in a area i've never even been to, till the night before season opener when i drove there.. like i said it was my very first time...