My papaw and dad coon hunted but got out of yet years before I was born. When I was young I started to take a lot of interest in hound hunting. So to answer your first question no you don’t have to be born into it. I suggest saving the money and buying a good hound to start. You could get a pup...
The Garmin Alpha Tt15 is a great setup if you are interested in track and train. You can also run the t10 with just tracking ability. The Garmin Astro series are in my opinion a lot simpler to use with just the tracking capabilities. I’ve ran the Alpha with no issues other then the screen on the...
I’m new here and my opinion may not mean much but with all the hype of the 6.5 we need to go back and look at the ballistics of it compared to the 243, 270, 7mm-08 and calibers of that nature. I realize the big short action fad going on but in my opinion the 6.5 has been talked up way to much...