I've only had mine about 3 or 4 weeks also. I have quit snoring and waking up continuously. I used to wake at 4:00 am every day and now I sleep until the alarm goes off. I haven't had to use an alarm for years.. I used to wake up and my heart would be racing and I'd be trying to catch my...
Just took a s/a test myself. Glad I did. They said my oxygen level dropped really low at night...wife tells me I just quit breathing...Now I got my own alien night mask..
But boy I feel better!!!
If you think you may have it, you should check it out. They told me up to 40% of the people have...
Boy that is sad, and I'll bet it keeps on going up the deeper they look. I wouldn't be surprised to see it top 100,000. And they never even seen it coming..
That sucks that you came down with the crud, and didn't get any good hunting in..
Guess you could say it was literally the "$h*ts"...
Oh well, that's hunting...Sounds like you are set for next year...
It is kind of unusual to get much ice in Arkansas, isn't it...
At least there are memories???
Whoops, I almost forgot the best present of all. It even was delivered a little early for Christmas..
Hey everybody, meet my new granddaughter, HadiLee!!!
I got a gun for my wife...
But they brought her back this morning and made me give the gun back:confused:
I made a haul. Bought myself a Canon GL2 and got a pair of 15X56 SLC Swaroski Bino's. Also got through Christmas with a happy family, and not much Credit Card Debt! That don't happen...
I just bought me a new Canon GL2, but they are a bit more expensive than the $1K you are talking about. I hope to be getting some great video soon with this camera as it has a lot better quality than the others I have used.
I bought a Canon ZR65 last year, but I wasn't happy with it for what...
I seen that one too ringer.. It makes you feel bad for them, but only for a short second, then you have to laugh at the stupidity involved. How dumb CAN you be??
I guess that is where "Duhhhhhhhhhhh" comes from...