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    Death Toll Passes 63,000

    death toll up to about 120,000 as of this morning. unbelievable.. and very sad..
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    Reggy White dead at 43

    I've only had mine about 3 or 4 weeks also. I have quit snoring and waking up continuously. I used to wake at 4:00 am every day and now I sleep until the alarm goes off. I haven't had to use an alarm for years.. I used to wake up and my heart would be racing and I'd be trying to catch my...
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    Reggy White dead at 43

    Just took a s/a test myself. Glad I did. They said my oxygen level dropped really low at night...wife tells me I just quit breathing...Now I got my own alien night mask.. But boy I feel better!!! If you think you may have it, you should check it out. They told me up to 40% of the people have...
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    Death Toll Passes 63,000

    Boy that is sad, and I'll bet it keeps on going up the deeper they look. I wouldn't be surprised to see it top 100,000. And they never even seen it coming..
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    Ya think he was just a little drunk?

    Don't move or you'll get it again!!!! DDDDDDDDDddddduuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????? What an idiot? Would you call that "too drunk to fish"?
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    They think the dog went off a canyon!

    Man, sorry to hear that. There is not much worse than losing a good dog...
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    So then the guide says..

    That sucks that you came down with the crud, and didn't get any good hunting in.. Guess you could say it was literally the "$h*ts"... Oh well, that's hunting...Sounds like you are set for next year... It is kind of unusual to get much ice in Arkansas, isn't it... At least there are memories???
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    Best Christmas Ever

    That is awesome. It just don't get any better than that!!! Glad to see he is doing well! Congrats on the accomplishment! Rick
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    Win a free youth coyote hunt

    Sounds fun..Got the son entered... Thanks for the info! :D
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    Merry Christmas!!!

    Hope Santa delivered everything you hoped for!! Happy Holidays to all!
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    What did Santa Bring you....

    Whoops, I almost forgot the best present of all. It even was delivered a little early for Christmas.. Hey everybody, meet my new granddaughter, HadiLee!!!
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    Merry Christmas

    Happy Holidays to everyone at hunttalk!!!
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    What did Santa Bring you....

    I got a gun for my wife... But they brought her back this morning and made me give the gun back:confused: I made a haul. Bought myself a Canon GL2 and got a pair of 15X56 SLC Swaroski Bino's. Also got through Christmas with a happy family, and not much Credit Card Debt! That don't happen...
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    From the Family, Merry Christmas (Pics)

    Merry Christmas to the Moosie family, and everyone else here at hunttalk!! HO HO HO...
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    My youngest.... (Pics)

    Looks to me like Moosie will have his hands full shortly. That looks like a lot of TROUBLE on the way. Enjoy...cute kids..
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    digital camcorders

    I just bought me a new Canon GL2, but they are a bit more expensive than the $1K you are talking about. I hope to be getting some great video soon with this camera as it has a lot better quality than the others I have used. I bought a Canon ZR65 last year, but I wasn't happy with it for what...
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    Worst Ebay Item Ever!!!!!!

    Dang, missed it. It was removed before I got to take a look. Must have been pretty bad???
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    Video Cameras???

    Well, I just broke down and bought a Canon GL2. I have talked to some guys who use them and they all have a lot of good comments about them..
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    I seen that one too ringer.. It makes you feel bad for them, but only for a short second, then you have to laugh at the stupidity involved. How dumb CAN you be?? I guess that is where "Duhhhhhhhhhhh" comes from...
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    Just can't trust those sheep nowdays!!!! good one...

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