I know my hunting areas like the back of my hand. But still picture this. You have tracked a bull in deep snow. You have worked up on him, and it has taken all day. You shoot him! That is the good news. Bad news is the guide, and you both know where you "think" the horses or camp is but who is...
She is the same detective that busted my daughter Kasi for drawing on the sidewalk with a dirt clod. This same detective, started out as a dog catcher, now she is in the big show!
I was the lucky one to carry the pot out of the car. That $hit stinks. I can't figure out why they need a dog to...
Take a look at this artical. This could have been a early retirement account :D
1-pointer, I tested some winchester super pheasant 2 3/4" with 6 shot. I think that is what they are called. They are copper plated and I think 1300 FPS. They are great factory loads. A lot of the guys around here use them. I only use reloads. My guns don't get fouled with factory loads
Last year I used a Weatherby 20 ga for everything. On the last two weeks of hunting I used a Remington 1100 LW 20 ga. I got to say I liked the auto a bunch. Having more than two shots was a big bonus. I used 1 ounce of #6 shot at about 1200 fps.
Boy you are talking my language. I would set aside time for next season. This year is tied up. Talk to Sid Eaton, from the F&G. Tell him I sent you and I was one of the guys that helped him trap sharptails up here. I would like to do this! Ron
T-Bone, I know the man in charge of the snow @#)(#. I helped him trap Sharptails here in Idaho. I have heard that no dog has ever retrieved one! I am not sure if this is true or not. I also have heard that the guides that go after them shoot them over water holes while the bird is on the ground...
I like to hunt big bulls as late as I can. The big bulls head to winter range together. If you see a lot of cows in the late season look in another place. Sure you might see a 300 class bull in the cows in late season. But the BIG boys are going to be alone. Ron
The elk should be using natural feed this time of the year. They don't feed them until they have to. supersider34, is right. The BIG bulls will be holed up by them selfs. If it were me I would hunt the first week, then I would not touch it again until the last week. If I only had one week I...
I have been in the unit a lot. Every unit in Idaho can put out a 300 class bull. 48 is no exception. I don't think I would ever put in for that unit but that's the question.
Units 43,44,49 have GOOD bulls in the 350 to 375 range. There is no reason 48 would not have them. You should make sure...
I want a 45-70 pretty bad. I found a winchester 1886 with a LONG octogon barrel. I also found a marlin cowboy. The marlin had some nasty sights on it. If I had one I think I would do a short tang sight of some sort.
The marlin is 400.00 and the winchester is 1300.00 I would like to get the...
While I am no expert at a 45-70 I do have to ask what is the load being used for?
I also want to ask are you using the factory sights with this rifle?
he is a fudge packing anti hunter. I say take the link down. All they want is to spread their word in our territory. Like I said, I think the link should come down. Don't give their web page any more traffic. Ron