Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. D

    CO GMU 18,181 Deer and Elk

    Thanks much. I haven't tried the "Go high and spot" method yet, but it seems to work in some situations. Last year I was up in the Drowsy Water Creek area, you know, through the ranch property and farther north. Nice area, but about a million and six hunters. I only had a couple of days, so...
  2. D

    CO GMU 18,181 Deer and Elk

    Gut Shot Hey Gut Shot, What method were you using? Were you up at a good vantage point spotting for a while, or more stalking through the woods and keeping you eyes open? I'm trying to hone my skills, and any info helps. Thanks. --Dana
  3. D

    CO GMU 18,181 Deer and Elk

    Thanks GutShot Thanks. That is encouraging. I intend to put a lot of ground between me and the nearest road. Last year, I saw guys driving around in their trucks looking for elk. I really don't understand that. I mean, do you REALLY expect the elk to be 50 yds off the road, and you just stop...
  4. D

    Colorado unit 27, 181 for deer

    2nd rifle meat tag I am heading to 181 for 2nd rifle doe. Never hunted there before, so I'm in the "finding out where NOT to go" stage. Lots of BLM. Any info I see/hear I will pass along. Also, anything I glean from my 2nd season hunt I will post back hear. I love pesole, btw... --Dana
  5. D

    CO GMU 18,181 Deer and Elk

    Thanks Rooster. I will look into that. Last year was really tough -- rained like the dickens. But, that's hunting. Didn't see any elk. According to CPW, there are plenty of elk, but I don't think the elk read those reports. --Dana
  6. D

    HECS gear?

    Hey All, Has anyone tried the HECS gear, the suits that claim to block your electronic aura? I have seen a few of the shows, and being an engineer, it intrigues me, but I would like to hear some real-world experiences. Thanks. --Dana
  7. D

    When is 'old' too old?

    Too old when it's no fun Hey Devon, I'm a year behind you, and the weirdness has been happening to me over the last few years: arthritis in the elbow, half-torn rotator cuff, bunion surgery this February, blah blah blah. I also took (and passed!) the toughest black belt test I've ever had...
  8. D

    CO GMU 18,181 Deer and Elk

    Hi All, New to the forum, found it through Fresh Tracks. I have a deer and elk tag for CO GMU 181, 2nd rifle. I don't hold a lot of hope for the elk at that time -- the success rate is terrible, and it seems to be mostly lower elevation. Lots of BLM land, though. I was wondering if anyone...
Caribou Gear

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