around here they tend go over board the other way then most, used to be you couldnt find a young buck around here then once all the tv money started pouring in around here its rare very rare for them to let anyone shoot at anything under 140" i worked for one when i was going to school and...
its full of CRP , there is a 4 point per side minimum on the property and has 2 outfitters that border on either side so i do belive the potential is there for some huge bucks i did find a few tracks that were around 6 inches! but like i said im mostly concerned with getting a doe since i didnt...
Well i hunted/ scouted it the other day, im in west central illinois by the way, it gets very little pressure im not really looking to kill a huge buck or anything just get some meat in the freezer.
Is there anyone on here thats really good at scouting via google earth? i just found a dandy piece of public land and have found it on google earth just wondering what i should be looking for?
ive been doing alot of reading online and its crazy all the different opionions the winchester is the 2nd highest ranked one i can find also Hornady sst but alot of people are complaing that if you dont take out shoulders with a bone hit you will not find deer do to tiny wound channels, have you...
I just picked up and h&r 12 gauge ultra slug today, i live in a slug only state, any ideas on some good slugs to try on it, im looking for as much range as i can get
Guys im needing some serious advice about hunting in warmer weather, i am in west central illinois and havent saw a deer since opening weekend (temps in high 30's) its been around 80 since. Any ideas?
tagged out this morning on a nice doe, quite a year for me 2 days hunting to good sized deer un the freezer, i lovethe 3 inch winchester high velocity slugs!!
he taped out at 120 3/8 at the archery shop here, antlers look good but u sure cant eat them, still nice to finally have a trophy set after 12 years of hunting my previous best was a yearling 3 point