Search results

  1. 3

    Anybody Draw?

    Dm797 Got one of the cow moose permits, around Delta, along with 540 other people , anybody know anything about that area, along the coal mine rd or anything
  2. 3

    Dummies on the Tundra

    Like you said Erik, dummies on the tundra, did you get out on your moose hunt yet, had to come into work a week early, so moose hunting this year is screwed, and now find out we are not switching schedules, so we get screwed next year as far as sheep and moose season goes. |oo |oo |oo |oo
  3. 3

    Drawing permit results are out

    good job Erik, plus with this years schedule I miss the best part of sheep and moose season, plan to do some around PS 12 here by work, did you get your boat up and running
  4. 3

    Drawing permit results are out

    struck out here in Alaska, CO, and N.D guess I will have to go to plan B
  5. 3

    June Picture Contest!!!

    pissed off mommy here is mommy chasing Mr. Grizz
  6. 3

    May Picture Contest

    got my eye on you moose on the loose
  7. 3

    fishing off the beach in seward 6/8

    hope the king salmon are swimming off the beach
  8. 3

    fishing off the beach in seward 6/8

    any of you been to seward and done the beach fishing for kings, the little woman wants to load up the travel trailer and head down that way on 6/8 is that a good time frame. If it is no problem posting a link from another site here is a link were a guy had a bait stand near chitna and had a...
  9. 3

    deer hunting on Montague

    Was thinking about this for deer hunting, any pointers, what would be the best time frame, how hard is it to get a cabin, is there a chance to see a few deer. Thanks
  10. 3

    shot up Bin Laden Liquors store

    shoot up Bin Laden Liquors store pretty good shoot em up game
  11. 3

    Only a few days left

    did my 3 moose, and 2 bison and have my fingers crossed, also did Co & ND
  12. 3

    practice for the Kenai

    -Select your lure Try to land your lure just in front of, or on a swimming fish by aiming and left mouse click
  13. 3

    Doin my research....

    AKBound I got the suzuki king quad 300 and really like it, nice and light but still plenty of power, and you can get used machines at a pretty decent price, same goes for a used boat in good shape. As far as side arm got the S&W 329 44 mag for bears and for Los Anchorage got a Tarus 2" 357 and...
  14. 3

    Bears are out!

    Too bad I'm stuck working, then have training on my time off, hey Erik when are you doing your training
  15. 3

    Any Luck?

    a big fat 0 here as well
  16. 3

    Were were you...

    was at the Marine Barracks in Guam
  17. 3

    good on if you like to see Britney naked
  18. 3

    Winter drawing hunts

    did everybody get their apps in I did my part for the state, one of these years might get lucky
  19. 3

    Eric's Sitka

    Eric Good job, I'm still stuck at work,can't wait for more details as well
  20. 3

    Snowstorm Rams

    Erik just tried to call you must be on days, they said your in your rm, something about to much steak and ice cream
Caribou Gear

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