I waited for better hair last year, never got my goat as early snow shut me down in 330. Hindsight I would go get my goat early, be a bit more choosy and the second one.
I've got family and know a pile more of folks that collect subsidies on their property. The general concensus is that it is the best thing to ever happen to them. They get a ton of coin and don't have to do anything for it. All the while, they're making pretty good money on the rest of the...
Just got the wife one. There expensive but seem to be worth it. I drive it all over, it's now our primary car. Awesome gas mileage, can carry a bunch of stuff. Only real issues; again they're expensive, they're a little tight with no center arm rest/console that drives me nuts, and I feel like...
8" uninsulated. Quality ones are usually fairly light and offer good support. I can't stand picking grass seeds out of my ankles, I hate getting snow in my boot, and when I cross streams I don't want to hop from rock to rock even on low stuff. With a quality sock, I use them into late season...
The first thing you do when learning to properly use the hoochie mama; hold it in your hand like you would a baseball. Then, throw it as hard as you can into a nasty draw that you won't go down in. Next, walk away from that piece of crap. Now, let's get some quality calls going.
I don't like...
The best sounding ones are the wiffle bat shape, but what a pain in the ass to pack around. For most pack hunting, I carry the primos "bull horn". You can use the blue reeds with it but I prefer an ivory plate mouth call. The bugle itself is compact yet extends out to give a pretty good tone. If...
I have issues/concerns with this method. Briefly, as he states, the arrow should come off as straight as possible to maximize efficiency. His method appears to work well, at that distance. What about other distances. If his impact with and without broadheads differed as much as it did, he likely...
These bags are awesome. Use them in the FD for all sorts of gear. The owners are really nice people as well, just your typical mt family with a small business making great product.
The last clip, the chick with the 50 AE, was the girlfriend of an ex employee of mine. The full video has her acting all tough and gun savy, you can image the post interview. I like the one with the kid acting like a gangster, then the gun goes off and his first concern is how mommy is going to...
Naked noodle for the goucho with Korean beef, ale works for meatloaf and parmesan fries(get the artichoke dip to), and zydico for jambalaya with extra bread. I like hiking north of town in the bridgers and south around the reservoir. Don't know the water quality this year, I'm sure that info...
Bottom line is if it rains and you have to drive around in the gumbo you are almost totally screwed. It dries fast but you turns to slime even faster. If it's wet, stay off of it. Even if you don't get stuck, at the very least you'll chew the "roads" all to hell. Not to mention it takes a years...