Your current setup is likely more than adequate for a western hunt. With today's bows you don't need high poundage to get enough energy, 65lbs is plenty. Arrow weight; I prefer over 400gr for an elk arrow but that depends on bow poundage and draw length to maximize your setups tuning and...
Thanks for the heads up on blood cr. As far as you are aware; if I head east at bohemian I can make it to crooked creek. Any word on that road condition.
Some key points I've learned,some which have been mentioned.
Stay at it all day; the elk are out there, so should you.
Post your hunting partner behind you at least 50 yrds depending veg
If he comes in, hangs up, and then turns and leaves without be spooked you should stop calling for a few...
Plenty of people use mechanicals for elk, especially rage. I won't use them as I've witnessed failures, failures were a rage would have been ideal if they performed as advertised. Plenty of blade discussions already; I'm a fixed blade, chisel tip, replaceable blade kind of guy and so I use the...
If I wanted a price point rest that is quality, I'd check out the trophy taker shakey hunter. I used one for years and it worked very well. Plus, they are on clearance. For a release; it has to have a buckle, a nylon kneck is preferred, and I like a dual caliper. Scott's are really nice, check...
The new Scheels opens sept 6 in billings. A 220k monster of a store, should be a good one. The local fly shops are pretty good. Base camp has good camping gear.
Swaro el's $2600
Leica ultras $2300
Zeiss victory $2300
Vortex razors $1200
The point I'm making is that you have to double your price to get into the flagship model from the big 3. Now each has a lower price point model that are so good that the layman will never know the difference, but...
I used mid grade binos for years, then decided to get a really good pair. I debated between the swaro el's and Leica ultras. Lens quality seemed to be equal; for me the big thing was the fine tune on the leicas or the preferred erganomics of the swaros. I went with the swaros and am very happy...
Nothing better than chasing mature high country muley bucks, hardest trophy to find and get anymore(not counting once in a life time tag draws). Then spring turkey's, poor mans elk hunting but less pressure and less logistical stress.
SD born and bred, Mitchell, home of the corn palace. While the numbers state the population is down, you will find plenty of birds if you work for them. Lots of public land to hunt, as mentioned the road hunting early and late in the day can be very productive as the birds move towards gravel...
You're flipping an arrow that weighs around 425gr total, wraps weigh around 10gr. While those numbers are a guesstimate, the point stands that your foc will change very little nor will your shaft dynamic. Find some cool wraps and have fun. Onestringer has some good ones, rolling them on over a...
I spent a lot of time chasing the career and it's money, regret not living my life when I had the chance. He's young and clearly employable, have fun for the next 5-10. Not to mention the job he would be "settling for" dwarfs what most people have in the best of circumstances.