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  1. MtnRambler

    RMBHS 2020 raffle Pronghorn

    Well done!
  2. MtnRambler

    CO Re-Issue Day - virtual queue already active

    Sort of like the Unit 1 muzzy tag that was available for about 0.5 seconds 20 min ago? ;) Someone is going to have a great long weekend!
  3. MtnRambler

    wy check points

    I've had to stop at several check points over the years, as well as been approached in the field a few times (always pronghorn hunting). I think the longest I've been at a check point was 5 min. I guess I'm a sheep too, as I've never seen it as a bother.
  4. MtnRambler

    Chest or Stand Up Freezer

    I have both--the chest freezer is currently unplugged. I prefer the stand up for organizational purposes (i.e. ease of finding what I'm looking for on a daily basis). However, after hunting season, both are usually running.
  5. MtnRambler

    CO Re-Issue Day - virtual queue already active

    I think that happened to me two years ago; frustrating as heck
  6. MtnRambler

    CO Secondary Draw CC Charge Early!

    Missed out on my first choice doe (a tag that I've been able to pick up on leftover day for over a decade!). However, I'm looking forward to exploring somewhere new with my second choice doe tag.
  7. MtnRambler

    CO Secondary Draw CC Charge Early!

    Thanks for the heads up. $40.24 pending here too! Now the question is, is it my first or second choice? ;)
  8. MtnRambler

    Annual pronghorn elation/sadness/confusion thread

    Agreed that heath of the herd is what they are focused on. You can see the state rationales by unit in the proposed hunting season presentations on the regulations landing page at WGF; They are not setting the season structure based on COVID.
  9. MtnRambler

    Wyoming results

    Sorry, just realized you asked total applicants--I haven't seen those yet.
  10. MtnRambler

    Wyoming results
  11. MtnRambler

    Wyoming results

    Missed on bucks, but at least will be filling the freezer with two pronghorn does.
  12. MtnRambler

    Colorado Draw Summaries

    You are mistaken. (1) Look at the bottom of page 19 of the 2020 Big Game Brochure. You will clearly see the two elk codes BrokenChicken listed as part of the hybrid for 2020. (2) Look at the draw summaries BrokenChicken posted. Look at the box outlined in green, last row of the first table...
  13. MtnRambler

    Colorado Draw Summaries

    I'm sure it is a range of things. E.g. mistakes, people applying in a group to hunt with family/friends, thinking they have inside info to some specific animal to go after, to people who just don't care or understand the draw system, etc. Perhaps I'm too much of a data nerd. Its just given the...
  14. MtnRambler

    Colorado Draw Summaries

    In general your understanding is correct, but in these instances it is due to the hybrid draw. In units that take more than 10 points for a resident to draw (averaged over, I think, three years), up to 20% of the tags are randomly drawn by those with 5 or more points.
  15. MtnRambler

    Colorado Draw Summaries

    A preference point isn't a licence. You should have got your point, but bubble you are referring to shows up as "not awarded" [a license].
  16. MtnRambler

    Colorado Draw Summaries

    What always baffles me is when someone spends 10+ points on a hunt that I drew 2nd choice.
  17. MtnRambler

    Colorado Results?

    Same here. 2nd choice elk, based on the CC hit and increased points. While I received emails on deer (2nd choice) and moose (point), I've received no emails on pronghorn or elk yet.
  18. MtnRambler

    Colorado Results?

    Certainly still trickling. I got my $40.24 hit ~1 min ago.
  19. MtnRambler

    Colorado Results?

    Another Moose PP here.
  20. MtnRambler

    Colorado Secondary Drawing My understanding it is a random draw for everyone with two tiers: (1) youths, and (2) everyone else. In other words, they will do a random draw of all youth's first, then a random draw for the rest of us. See link above.

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