I have a loft of racing pigeons, but don't race. I use the bird for dog training. They are neat birds and I enjoy them way more than I thought I would. Started with 2 pair have about 25 now.
You can walk up pheasants without a dog. Especially multiple folks working together. The problem is any bird hunt without a dog , is just killing birds. Nothing wrong with it, it just not the whole experience. I won't kill a bird without a dog anymore.
Sorry, life without a hunting dog is only...
I don't know where you found the stat on %1 non resident resident length of stay.
Since we don't have any mandatory reporting I'm guessing any statistics you find is suspect.
There are areas where I believe this bill could alleviate some pressure. It's the same story, dwindling resource...
Lots of labs in my kennel over years, never had that problem. Advice of going to vet the best. If when your figure it out post the solution. I figure a dog problem I haven't experienced is just around the corner. Good luck
I guess I owe you folks an apology. Based on of the stuff I've read on here, I thought many of you were a bit off plumb.
I had to check out this other site, and man HT is pretty mild. I have a better appreciation for why they lock threads.
I do something very similar. Buying dogs has changed in last 30 years. A lot more information available or is it disinformation? I'm always researching kennels and lines. Do you mind sharing what you look for in a prospective litter?
If your getting liver taste your probably over cooking. I don't care for rare meat typically, but those widgeon and mallard should be good with no liver taste. Check out hank Shaws duck cooking recipes and tips on his website
It makes me shake my head. I wonder what argument he used to defend it as an accident. He obviously wasn't concerned about bullet placement. Just one of many reasons me and mine stay out of the woods opening weekend. Tragic for a young man and his family
Always heard javalina was not good eating.
Slow cooked hindquarter in Dutch oven for 9 hrs. Seasoned with brown sugar g ar, paprika, garlic powder, a d chili powder. Braised 1 cup apple vinegar, 1 cup apple juice . It was fantastic