I have hunted exclusively with recurve since '76. Killed elk, mules,whitetail,turkeys, pigs,antelope with my bow. I used to pride myself about killing a bull and mule buck every year, but grew out of that. Most critter were just average except for couple really good bulls. For most of my life...
Interesting back forth discussion over a horrible incident. Kids do dumb stuff. Even smart kids. I've spent 35 years responding to this type of crap. Every dad says the same thing , " I never thought it could happen"
I don't know who should be held responsible, but if you don"t secure your...
So I completely understand. I still struggle with it. Guns I compete with, no safety. I went to double action for guns that I carry, although ty he first round will be just a noise maker. Trying to compete with guns that had a safety made me understand the down side of having it present.
If hunting degrades the next 20 like it did the last twenty there won't really anything g to talk about. I don't there's an answer. To me it's about delaying the inevitable. There's to much pressure on the resource.
In my opinion the beginning of the end was the establishment of the block...
So you couldn't actually own land in mexico until fairly recently. Look at cadastral map of areas around great falls, mt . To ask permission you need to contact a foreign national. ( I don't anything about onx)
At what point does this concern the US. COVID has revealed issues with our supply...
In North Central montana I see examples of open carry frequently. So far have never noticed an inappropriate level of retention. Which would bother me.
I personally have no problem with folks who open carry, felons rarely open carry.
Many of the comments refer to carrying while in grizzly...
Reloading is fun, chasing small groups is fun.but the internet got everybody convinced they need to do what primarily only bench rest shooters used to focus on.