Oscar, I heard you had a stack of pics you were going to post. Something about little kids and their first hunting trip? Did you get any stories to go along with those pictures?
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-04-2003 15:59: Message edited by: NASA ]</font>
Sly, you didn't by any chance give my calls to Byron to bring back with him, did you? Weather's cooling off out here and fur is looking better and better. I need those calls buddy. Think you can get around to shipping them this week?
Doug (or anyone), I can't find an answer to this. How can you tell a grey fox from a silver or silver-mix? I know the silver is black, but a silver phase mixed with red phase or cross phase looks to me like a grey. How do you tell for sure? I've only had my hands on red phase and greys.
I don't know if it's just me or what, but fox are easy. I've called them in with a Lux squeeker, a voice box from one of my kids dolls, and just sucking on the back of my hand. Sometimes I don't even bother to get out of the truck. Do they seem really hard for you guys?
Fandamntastic! Finally, the predator caller's Expo that Jay and I had talked about. Bruce we are really lucky to have you and your promotion talents here to support us. Seminars, demo's, prizes, food, entertainment, AND two bars! It can't get much better than this. Count me in...
I'm surprised you need to ask?
Hunts out of season (poacher), hunts protected species, takes more than a limit, hunts posted/no trespassing areas, shoots up road signs/farm irrigation equipment, and generally gives hunting and hunters a bad name. That's a slob.
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Sometimes Rich Higgins brings his dog along on stand. A reluctant coyote seems to abandon all caution as soon as the dog starts barking or running around. I don't think a dog is necessary, but it doesn't appear to hurt!
I always take a quail call. It's the best way I know for locating them. I only know 3 calls quail make. The "where is everybody", "I found some food", and the evening "gather up" call. Make sure you know which sound is the appropriate sound to be using for the time and place that you're calling.
Oh you bet, Danny. Back in the "old days" we tried just about everything. There weren't as many restrictions back then and not as many wardens, either. Farmers and ranchers were glad to have you. There was a lot more open space within a short drive, too. Hell, I used to hunt rabbits where...
They sure are, Danny. They mentioned something about a "well equipped" camper shell with a big cooler, drawers of ammo, and a padded roof hatch roomy enough for 2 gunners. I didn't believe the part about a 5 mile broadcast range because of the big PA speakers, though.
Doug, the only time Danny gets out of the truck nowadays, is to take a leak. Get him to tell you about his huntin' rig from the "old" days. Some of his buddies from the CVCA told me some tales on him.