Are you putting any lube on the inside of the neck? I've had a few in the past that really hung up on the downward stroke which I believe actually might have stretched the case a bit.
No more than buying a location to an animal to later boast how I’m such a great hunter. Besides, if I could find a Sasquatch I’d be the envy of all the other kids on the block:D
I use the Leupold VX-3 mostly in 2.5-8x36, just a preference thing. But I'd take a hard look at the 3.5-10x40. I do have a couple of VX -2 3-9x40's if the others are a bit too much price wise. Look for some sales and you can usually shave $75 bucks off the price of a VX3i.
aman, can’t advise you on a Vortex scope because I use all Leupold scopes on my rifles. One thing I can tell you is a solid 3-9 scope will always cover your needs. I’ve found, for me, that I end up adjusting a higher scope down to 9 or 10 because it magnifys the movement too much for my...
Great point. I've never put a tape measure on anything except a piece of wood I'm going to cut. And yet I've had some tremendous hunting experiences. Like the time a few years ago hunting elk with my muzzleloader. I was coming out of the timber getting ready for the 2 mile hike out when...
I have several friends from California that hunted as kids but don't anymore. You don't hear a lot of hunting reports from there so it's nice to see one come through. Nice job!!!
Of similar note, there are a lot of the BMA's that have BLM land incorporated in them. Most seem to be the type 2 where you have to get written permission to hunt and they limit the number of hunters. It didn't seem right to me that a private landowner could control public ground. I ran...
And while I live and hunt out west now, I'm getting a little envious of my buddies back home in Wisconsin sending me pictures of the whitetail they've been taking this year.