Don't do sit ups they don't get rid of your gut you have to get rid of your gut before you do sit ups or else the muscle just builds up on top of the fat, TK i suggest eating less fast food and don't drink so much beer
Kevin i laughed my ass off at american wedding as well but i didn't think that many people on this site would be into that type of movie, i haven't seen pirates of the carabien yet but i want to go see it
not most controversial, but my favortie is the one about saddams sons and grandson being killed
that one was really funny i thought, but i am also thinking that some of greenhorn and bcats a long time ago were pretty good
i really wouldn't care much about my weight if i didn't lose so much so quickly just because i don't sleep enough don't eat very often and because my job stresses me out, i hate working it is a pain in my ass
What is the lotto up too, like 53,000,000 or somthing like that, i need to pick some...
Well for all you skinny guys like myself that can't get involved in the fat off contest we should have a fat on contest. I am all up for it considering that i have lost 20 pounds since graduation and didn't have the 20 to lose. I watn 10 of them back
So i am going back on my school diet, fast...
i will stand and say i don't believe in God because anything litterally or figurativly translated all leads to one thing, making people feel secure about dying, that is all i get out of any of it is if you live a certain way you'll have life in heaven for ever which makes people feel better...
Who believes in what on this board, just wondering
Personally i beleive in Darwin's theory, makes more sence to me than the world only being 6000 years old.
Allright , it is time for me to rant and rave about this, vegans/vegitarians are not all stupid either, this girl however is incredibly idiotic, How many "Elk" do you think there are on the african continent? and second peta freaks are not all anti hunters as FEW stated, i happen to have 3...
how many people do you think will show up on a friday night TK, you need to switch it to sunday night at the same time, you have a better chance then
am i one of the constants in there?
What kind of idiot is she, she claims that she is for PETA but claims she is a vegitarian, if she was all out PETA she would be a Vegan, which is some one who doesn't consume any animal products at all, ie milk cheese eggs anything from an animal basically, how protective can she be claiming...
it is the same thing as Burger king only cheeper, i mean come on you get a whopper at jack in the box for $1 you pay 3 for that shit at burger king, i am a bargain shopper
Maybe it runs in the family or something, Uncle Ross did that once to oscar, but wait you married into it so i guess maybe you guys just aren't that smart