Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. C

    Anti Virus programs

    Hanger18, Great site, easy loads, user friendly, small compact files, and understandable instructions. Thanks!! Chas
  2. C

    Hey Delw

    DG, Me too!! I just can't help thinking that the easier we make it for coyotes to find a meal, they may just decide turkeys are too much trouble!! :D Here kitty kitty!! Chas
  3. C


    LO, If this is true, why are you sitting around for 6 months for a MAN to get your life going??? Chas
  4. C

    Any Poker Players out there??

    EC, I know you're right, but there's no listing of the others monies!! It's kind of having your hands tied behind your back trying to find the light switch with your TONGUE!! :eek: :confused: Chas
  5. C

    Must be Ohio's water

    Nut, You sure that ain't an Assachusetts transplant?? Chas
  6. C

    Any Poker Players out there??

    #12, $53,593 Whew!! Tough night! Chas
  7. C

    Anti Virus programs

    Acon, Check out Dell's offer of the week on their website. If you can wait a week they alternate between adding stuff(if you need it) or free shipping($99 ave.). Specials change every Weds. Normal house unit is around $500, comes with Norton and earthlink or customize online. Chas
  8. C

    Men Keeping Promises

    WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!! SOME of us guys live that way. Others have learned their evil ways and adjusted their lives accordingly!! Garlic around the windows, cross painted on the door, wooden stakes all over the house within reach from any chair, and of course Walker Digital Game Ears especially...
  9. C

    Any Poker Players out there??

    #13, $50,183 Broke the $50,000 mark today. My personal goal is $100,000 by the end of July!! Chas
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    Name Calling

    You can call me anything but collect!! Chas
  11. C

    Kerry fans - Just how gay is this?

    Got to wonder if they are at the Pink Pistols rally in MA!! Yes, I said the Pink Pistols!! A gay and lesbian group of gun owners based in Assachusetts(EASTERN)!! Chas
  12. C

    Any Poker Players out there??

    #13, $49,213 YYYEeeee HHHaaaww!! There's No Place Like Vegas,There's There's No Place Like Vegas,There's No Place Like Vegas!! Chas
  13. C

    Head shots

    OSOK, Congratulations!! Here's your sign! Chas
  14. C

    Any Poker Players out there??

    #15, $47,052 Don't forget the $5,000 along with the trip for the regional win!! Chas
  15. C

    How many use a lure

    DG, James Valley Scents at www.jamesvalleycompanycom has a very good rep and line of scents regardless of what you're hunting. I've tried their buck in rut gel with very good results. Every tree I scented(under the lower branches to avoid rainout) was rubbed and scraped within 2 days. Working...
  16. C

    Critter Pictures (Test)

    Com'on guys!! You're making me drool all over the keyboard!! Chas
  17. C


    EC, I'm not trying to make light of the seperation. Been there! I don't buy that guys don't feel the anxiety less, they're just less vocal, more postal!! :D :D Just sometimes it takes an outside source for info. Trust me, I was glad to have it when the chips were down!! Chas
  18. C

    Any Poker Players out there??

    #15, $45,938 No real money invested, no real money won unless you are one of the four regional champs. Those 4 get $5,000 and a trip to Vegas, sit down with a randomly drawn contest winner(again no money invested) with $10,000 in chips each. The winner take all gets $100,000 and a stake at the...
  19. C

    Any Poker Players out there??

    #16, $44,400 There's No Place Like Vegas,There's There's No Place Like Vegas,There's No Place Like Vegas!! Chas
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    LO, I'm a firm believer that if you are NOT doing what you like for work it's time to GO!! Unless you're Al Bundy, why take a job that's going to have stress BEYOND job performance?? As for your off time, how about volunteering? Your town has a Vet. Rep. that can put you in touch with the right...
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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