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  1. C

    Will this section Die...

    Only if you promise to replace it with Playboy's top 100, Maxim's easiest 50, or FHM's unprinted pages!! :D :D ....or if Dubya finishes a sentence without one UH!! Chas
  2. C

    BROTHERS BAND TOGETHER AGAINST KERRY Yeah, that's the press release version. Take a long look at the senate record and you'll see where the absenteeism is evident. Like I've said right along pick a lobby, any lobby...
  3. C


    I wish I could find the cartoon that shows him sitting on Uncle Teddy's lap with the telltale puppet jawline markings!! One shining example of what he's done is signing the bill initiating the $100 YEARLY fee for the Firearms I.D.(beaten by Goal & sportmen to $100 every 5 yrs). Also had his hand...
  4. C

    Kerry is a liar and hypocrite

    MichaelR, "If Kerry is so bothered by the swifties all he needs to do is sign the paper releasing ALL of his military records. If he is being truthful that would put an end to this whole mess." That's a great idea!! Think Dubya would agree...
  5. C


    EG, "I don't think you can comment too much about what others accomplish. My guess is Kerry puts in more hours in a month than you do in a year.... " I not only can guarantee you're wrong, but have lived though his absenteeism firsthand!! I'm also willing to bet that if Russ so much as PEED...
  6. C HATS

    Moosie, Don't be jealous!! It's unbecoming!! :D :D Chas
  7. C

    Kerry is a liar and hypocrite
  8. C HATS

    Moosie, Once again, check your PMs!! Chas
  9. C

    Kerry is a liar and hypocrite

    "It's the economy, stupid!" Suggested reading: "The Power Elite" Author: C. WrightMills Chas [ 08-24-2004, 21:16: Message...
  10. C

    Tree Farmers against roadless rule and logging changes

    Nut, Here's a link with some more info . Also the feds site Chas
  11. C

    Swift Boat Group Leader Exposed as Fraud

    "Senator Kerry carries shrapnel in his thigh as distinct from President Bush who carries two fillings in his teeth from his service in the Alabama National Guard, which seems to be his only time that he showed up," John Podesta, former chief of staff in the Clinton White House, said on ABC's...
  12. C

    Swift Boat Group Leader Exposed as Fraud

    Former Swift Boat Commander Backs Kerry on Vietnam
  13. C


    Good Luck!! Hit'em Hard and Make'm Bleed!! 24 and a wake-up!! Chas
  14. C HATS

    WW, Thanks! That's a cold one for you!! Chas
  15. C

    Swift Boat Group Leader Exposed as Fraud

    Nemont, "Do you think that the American voters can sift through all the chaff to find the truth? " Apparently not, considering that "Wag the Dog" should have won an Academy Award for Documentary. Like I said before, pick your puppet. The only REAL difference is going to be the lobbies, and...
  16. C

    Swift Boat Group Leader Exposed as Fraud

    EG, "As for the motivation on these vets, who knows why." Just follow the money!! Texas oil money. I have to wonder just how much these individual put into the Republican coffers as well?? Chas
  17. C

    Kerry's truck for sale!

    "There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."—Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 I is I am right sure 4 more yearns oven them there witnessisms will fry mine brane!!! Chas
  18. C HATS

    Moosie, Check your PMs. Chas
  19. C

    Kerry's truck for sale!

    The debate of the Millenium........... DUBYA v YOGI BERRA Even Smoke eaters couldn't handle that fog!! Chas
  20. C

    Kerry's truck for sale!

    "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 "I hope you leave here and walk out and say, 'What did he say?'" —George W. Bush...

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