My smart ass buddy says ...... Quit complaining about the rifle weight, if you're concerned about a couple extra pounds, maybe you should consider taking it off your gut.
I shot him :p
I just booked a remote wilderness AK fishing trip for son in law and myself. Fly out to a remote lodge 250 miles west of Anchorage, then each day they take you out via super cub to various rivers or lakes to catch the different species of fish available in the area; trout, salmon, sheefish...
I did pre-engineered steel buildings for a living, built hundreds of them of all sizes. It's no big deal to get a metal building drop shipped and delivered to your location, you just need to pay for it and have the ability to unload it somewhere. The manufacturer will only provide you the...
Got my son in law and nephew proper knives and a small folding saw so that they can more easily dress out deer. Last couple years I've cringe and watch when they pull out their big green river / bowie knives that don't hardly have a point sharp enough to puncture the hide and the blade is dull...
I was going to say basically the same thing.
If you want to do it in phases as suggested, you might be better served to plan on doing a "stick built" (2x4, 2x6 walls) structure.
100gr Muzzy four blade
3" 20ga Remington Accutip slug
100gr .257 Weatherby
Four whitetails total.
Still a few days left to potentially kill another with the muzzle loader.
Not necessarily true.
With the exception of the travel, paying taxes and setting some tree stands I have done zero of this type of work on my IL ground. I've got a farmer that farms the tillable and all I do there is play around.
But ..... I do enjoy working on our land and spend countless...
I own four different hunting farms, two in IL and two in IN, about five hours apart. Check out the adjacent neighbors. You're typically better off being bordered by farmers or AG land rather than small lot residences, hobby farmers. The town folk with a two acre plot up against you can be...
I've probably got (30-40) of them set up. Typically buy the doubles from Menards, 17' footers (to rail) and use them as a single.
Get they kind with expanded metal platform and seat, rather than the fabric mesh stuff. Throw away all of the cheap camp pads and rail covers that come with it, as...
I can envision that scenario in the crowded midwest but find it hard to understand in Idaho?
Surely you can find some public ground out there that's a bit less crowded for your next hunt(s).
It's been my experience that a processed frozen bull elk typically fills a 120 qt cooler and yields 200-240 lbs of processed meat.
Might have just a bit more than the 120qt cooler will hold, but not much. If you need to keep a cape cold, you'll need some more room for that.
If the meat is...
I'm following this thread also. Would really like to find a first rate taxidermist somewhere north of Indianapolis. Don't really care how much it costs, if the work is first rate.
I would have similar concerns, and if you leave the back end in the water there is always potential for waves to break over the back of boat and fill it with water.
Get a few smooth round logs to roll it up on shore and out of the water on.
Could go to your spot(s) in advance, cut the logs and...
Grinding twice is a total pain, I don't recommend it.
Have a good sharp blade and a plate size that suits you with a single grind. Also helps to partially freeze the cubed up meat before grinding.