Not a fan. Have several buddies that have them and more than one has some regrets.
Yes, they are cheap heat, but you kind of become a slave to the dang thing having to go outdoors and feed it a couple times every day.
I think gas heat and an indoor wood stove that you burn if and when you...
Used to be a shotgun only state, then they went to pistol cartridge rifles (.44 mag, .357 mag, etc.), a couple years ago they opened it up to pretty much everything, .243 and bigger.
My dad uses a .44 mag in Indiana. It does the trick, pretty cheap to shoot and light recoil.
They do tend to run out of gas beyond 150 yards and the bullet starts really dropping fast.
I'm a big fan of the Weatherby cartridges and rifles and the .300 is pretty sweet, shoots a relatively heavy bullet real fast and flat.
Yes, it kicks a bit but if your rifle has a little weight to it and fits good, it's not a problem. Mine shoots 180gr Remington Cor Lokts great, have killed...
Have had very little below freezing weather in northern IN this year, burned very little firewood.
It's 26 degrees now and supposed to stay cold for a few days, maybe get some ice fishing in before too long?
Contact Buchanan's Resort on the Big Sandy arm of KY lake.
They run several guides out of there. Guides I've enjoyed fishing with were; Tim Ayers, Mike Johnson & Shane (don't remember his last name).
Good luck !
I think you need two credit cards, because on several occasions I've had fraudulent charges on my cards and had them quickly shut off.
Could be a real pain if on a trip and you had no card.
We use a Citi Mastercard, 2% cash back on everything, and also a Cabelas card.
I don't think the 40' depth will be enough to have boats behind the vehicles and still have any room to walk around. Build bigger.
I started with a 40 x 60, then remodeled an old 20 x 20 building, then built another 20 x 40, then built another 32 x 40. Finally have enough space. Should...
Kind of depends upon where you are at in your savings build up and how close to retirement you are. If you are relatively young, a high earner, and your company has a good 401k plan, you'd be foolish not to max that out first and put all of that untaxed money to work right away. It will have...
When they first came out in the AR-15 look, I bought one of those .22 Colt Rimfires. Talk about a jam-o-matic POS.
Traded it off with some cash for a Browning A-bolt in .308.
Can't speak for this particular outfitter, but for what they are charging, you and a partner could lease an entire farm for the whole season and have it all to yourselves, going back as many times as you want, archery, gun or both. No other hunters, no rules about rack size, set stands where...
The way I understand it is a non-resident needs to decide if he is going to be firearms or archery hunting when you apply. Non residents can only do either firearms or archery, not both.
I've only ever rifle hunted KS and we always get an either sex tag and an antlerless tag so we can shoot...