So they wouldn't sell to someone who's just willing to hunt the hell outa the dog? Must be interested in testing? I'm not in the market yet, just curious.
Interesting podcast, that's for sure. Found it kind of strange that over the course of the entire episode there wasn't a single mention by either one of them of Wyoming's laws towards non-resident hunters in wilderness areas..For as much as Matt is all about creating access I can't believe that...
Tarpon under bridges at night are a blast! Look for bridges with street lights and fish the shadow line on the upcurrent side. I love chasing walleyes and big pike but casting to tarpon that are smashing bait on the surface of the water is on another level!.
I need to make it a point to read more of the works from the classic outdoor writters. This thread makes it apparent that Im missing out on alot!
I sure do miss Dwight Schuh for the how-to/informational type bowhunting articles and he was a great story teller as well. His articles were always...
I'd say its one hell of a good profession if one has the drive and the balls to go for it. Nothing like being your own boss. I'd rather reward some amateur outdoor channel on YouTube instead of all the garbage producers on network television these days...The fella that got lost should definitely...
So let's say that it was actually a feral it wrong to shoot it or wrong to post pics on social media after shooting it? What if it was a ditch tiger? I do enjoy a good ditch tiger safari
I think it's time you had a talk with the teacher and explained to her why those items are on his wish list...and why it's really not her place to be saying that it's inappropriate. Bah humbug ya b$*ch!
I love the diversity of North Dakota and being able to spend time outdoors with my Dad and other good friends. I do envy you fellas to the west though, with the unlimited amounts of public ground to explore.
Shines, I think you need to sit down and write a book.. Your stories and pictures are top notch. These kinds of stories are what makes this thread so freaking awesome!
Last year's cow. Probably one of the most beautiful days my dad and I have ever hunted together. Leading up to pulling the trigger, we joked about how it would almost ruin such a beautiful day, having to cut up and pack meat back to the truck. When the opportunity presented itself we both agreed...