Any recomendations on shooting stix. I am going to be in wide open country and want to have a steady rest. I am looking fo something fairly compact but also something that it is going to be very stable.
I got up there last weekend, didn't see anything great. I am still trying to learn the lay of the land and where the private and public land is. I should have it all figured out by time the season opens. I am headed out south tomorrow to get the rifle sighted in.
This hunt is sneakin up on...
If you get off of the road in 33,34 you'll loose almost everybody. There are some great animals in those units. Good luck this season. I can give you some area's to start lookin if you want.
thanks for getting everybody back on track. I can't wait to get up there and start tracking down one of those Muley's. Buglelk has been a huge help already.
I have been putting in for this hunt for about 10 years now and I finally drew.:) I was born and raised here in Idaho but don't know too much about the area. I am looking for some tips and hins to get ready for this once in a lifetime hunt