Honestly my biggest reason is a 1 man tent for me is going to be very snug and if I went to a 2 man I'm looking around 5lbs or more especially in my price range... Really this year is just trying to go cheap and see if it's really worth overnighting in the area we hunt.
Thanks guys I'm still deciding how I want to do it but I'm leaning to the tarp pretty heavily. I'm trying to keep it cheap so I can see how well I like it then maybe I'll get done better lighter stuff before next season
Thanks guys ... I know we'll have timber around but I also carry 2 trekking poles so setup seems like it'll be easy enough if I do it correct .... I'll look for a pice of tyvec that's a good idea
I've always done my hunting as just day trips from trail heads or the camp but this season I'm taking a lot longer off and am thinking of spiking out a couple nights in an area we always want to go into but just isn't practical to do in one day. I'm trying to keep it as cheap and light weight...
It's what I'm actually running right now ... I do like it but the 2 things that bug me are the fact that my binos aren't connected to me unless I use the actual strap they came with or like me I used a piece of para cord, if anyone can lose/drop/damage stuff it's me and I really prefer to have...
I use the little fixed blade saw from outdoor edge I can't seem to google it up by its self but it's the one in this combo
Thanks guys I found one ...
@ Bugle ya they are great I just thought the grass is greener when I sold mine but I can honestly say now I've tried them all and while each has its pros and cons I think the fhf is best suited for me, but I'm a gear junkie and I'm sure someone is thinking up the...
.223 is an unbelievable deer killer I was a bit worried at first but my daughter killed a doe one evening then a really nice buck the next morning. Both deer dropped like the hammer of Thor fell in them. My wife killed her first deer with it this year. Not quite as lights out but a 30yd Sprint...
Found this guy during rifle season with my daughter took gps coordinates calls g&f and asked if everything panned out if we could retrieve it... Few days later they said go get it and bring it in for the proper $8 tag so we did and managed to get a euro mount done before the neighbors called the...
Just picked up a new one in 257 weatherby only fired a few break in rounds and need to start work up loads but it seems great and the trigger is awesome
Ayup... 350gr hornady RN reloaded to around 1950fps out of my ported gg. Yes I crimp since I figure while it's not a boomer type of load it's still hot enough and I don't want it to set back and cause higher pressures and kaboom my baby :)
Very cool thanks for the pic.... 800 rounds to me would be lots of years I think but who know if I really start liking the round I may shoot the crap out of it.
I've been Working up some base loads for rough sighting in and if the weather ever breaks I'll go give her hell
Awesome thanks guys I just got the scope mounted tonight and should be working on some break in and rough sighting in loads this week I hope.
@Coyote I'm I went with the standard leupolds rings and bases I ordered low and medium height and was able to get away with the low ... I'm using a...
Awesome I'm really glad to hear that I just got the brass and dies today so it's time to start working up a load .... If you're by chance using h1000 and want to share a good load I'm all ears :)
Oh I've jumped in both feet already and ordered dies and bought some 115 partitions already.... I wanted the accubonds but they're out of stock nation wide. I figure I want to shoot it enough to be comfortable on deer out to 500 and just shooting a few shells a year isn't the way to do it
Well you guys really suck at talking a guy off the ledge so I went and picked one up tonight.... I hope it's everything I've read it is.... I just ordered rings and bases and have a brand new 4.5-14x40 Nikon in the safe just waiting for a new gun. I really appreciate the comments fellas it...
Thanks everyone I'm going to run to the store today and see if they have one on the shelf, I've got a couple gift cards in my pocket and a new scope in the safe so it won't break the bank to have a new fun gun to get dialed in this summer.
Thanks guys I appreciate the input ... I've been reading up on it for awhile now and other than cost of factory ammo I haven't seen a whole lot of bad said about it. I figured guys here would set me straight one way or the other :)