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  1. O

    Wyoming Elk Unit 85

    If you had a 91 tag, I could give you a few tips. Just returned from a deer hunt there. Sorry
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    Iowa interstate

    Geller I understand your frustration because that’s exactly what happens to Pennsylvania roadways. Another thing they seemed to have adopted from Pa. engineering was the endless miles of one lane roads temporarily blocked by traffic cones and not a single worker in site. As I recall, in...
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    Backcountry Wyoming Elk Hunt

    A great experience. Congratulations
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    How are the crowds out there in the woods?

    When I went to Colorado last year, I thought everyone followed me there but I was wrong because when I went to Wyoming this year, they were there also. Maybe I’m just getting too old and cant get away from the crowds anymore. Seriously though, a lot of people where I hunted. Kentucky, Idaho...
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    Iowa interstate

    Had the unpleasant experience of driving interstate 80 both eastbound and westbound through Iowa recently. What’s up with the washboard road? Did your Government hire Pennsylvania turnpike engineers to design them because they weren’t like that on my previous trips. I thought our roads here...
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    Have tag, but ranch sold so nowhere to hunt in Montana

    That was amusing.
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    Old Aspen tags

    I wouldn’t know one from the other. Only going on what the locals have told me. I also thought Peruvian but was corrected. None the less, he was thankful for the ride.
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    Old Aspen tags

    Basque sheep herders were a lonely bunch, that’s why they had so many sheep. Sorry. Picked one up a week ago in the dark on Smith Fork Road with my side by side and gave him a 3 mile ride so he could catch his hobbled horses that were making haste to better pastures. He’d have ever caught them...
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    Early morning hunt photos

    Grey’s River Wyoming
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    Guided Hunt vs. DIY

    A guided hunt may give an excellent experience but does not guarantee killing the trophy you seek. I’ve been on two guided hunts in the New Mexico and both were a joke as far as I was concerned. I’ve already had all the experience I needed and decided that I wanted a trophy. Wrong outfitter...
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    O. A. L.

    You should watch another of his you tube videos about why he doesn’t care where the lands is. You can thank me later.
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    Anybody else have spare scopes for thier Hunting Rifles

    Spare rifle for me also. I’ve had $$it happen more than once.
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    Best Game Meat??

    I’ve eaten sika, whitetail, and mule deer, pronghorn, rabbit, pheasant, ruffed grouse and quail. Turkey from four states along with squirrel. Moose, elk and red stag, caribou and black bear. Mallards,Canadian geese and probably others that I’ve forgotten to mention. Each has their own flavor but...
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    Bulls Only? OTC CO

    That’s a great offer Todd.
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    Has long range hunting gone too far?

    Long range hunting was a niche turned into an industry by some forward thinking people that saw the amount of money that could be made from it. Celebrity hunters and TV sponsors embraced it or were going to be left behind and their wallets would suffer. It has escalated to the point where it has...
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    WY Evidence of Sex Laws

    A number of years ago a warden stopped to check my son and me with our antelope and I asked him the same question. He indicated that evident of sex is not required with an “any antelope” tag. It makes logical sense to me. I seriously doubt their attitude has changed but I’ve been wrong before...
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    Hunting With My Less Accurate Rifles

    Those old sentimental guns that only shoot “minute of critter” get it done for lots of old timers. They don’t need those fancy guns for putting meat in the pot. Have a great year and post a picture or two.
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    It's that time again PA

    Good luck in the draw.
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    New Barrel Break In

    Forty years ago people shooting factory guns never heard of barrel break in and some of those guns still shoot terrific today. Barrel break in is a custom barrel, benchrest term that caught on with the current long range shooting craze and people that must have rifles that shoot lights out all...
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    It's that time again PA

    Why wouldn’t you just go to a game farm and shoot one? About as much fun and experience would be the same.