I'm sure I'm missing some, but here's what I could come up with:
27 whitetail bucks (approximately 1/3 with archery and the rest with shotgun)
14 whitetail does (mostly all archery)
1 antelope buck (rifle)
1 bull moose (rifle)
1 bearded hen turkey (archery)
unknown number of tom turkeys...
I wish I had known about this long ago. It would've been awesome to know more scientifically how old deer were rather than just guessing, particularly on our bigger ones. Would've also been nice to know on my one antelope since I have no reference to have even an educated guess on it.
I have to dig out my old collection. I'm assuming it still exists at my parents' house somewhere. I had mostly baseball cards. Ken Griffey Jr. was my favorite as a kid. I know I have a Jerry Rice rookie card. Not sure where that one even came from since I didn't really get into football.
Great bucks so far!
It's been a long time since we've done drives (largely due to no longer having access to as many areas to hunt). I remember it being a lot of fun knowing you were likely going to be seeing deer in a short amount of time.
Will hunt a couple days of archery whitetail with my son at home in MN.
Will hunt a week of the whitetail rut at home.
Plan to apply for archery elk in the Bighorn Mountains. Backup if I don't draw will be to burn my dad's WY antelope points. Backup to the backup is either an OTC elk tag or...
Something I would request to add is more of the public access in Wisconsin. There are currently easements for fishing, etc. which OnX shows. Additionally, voluntary public access is something it would be good to add.