Bought the 6.5 creedmor ruger American predator this past summer and used it for my Wyoming trip and my minnesota and Wisconsin whitetail hunts.... I love it! Great rifle! 1 1/2" group at 400 yards.... pretty impressed e for a factory rifle!
Hello all,
On September 17th, my brother and 2 of my closest friends headed off for Wyoming. We drove straight through the night and arrived at the trailhead just as the sun was coming up. The 4 of us hiked about 5 miles up a drainage at which point we split up into groups of 2 and headed off...
My pack was at 54#'s with rifle, all my gear, food and 1 liter of water for a 6 day backpack hunt. I've stripped down my gear quite a bit in the last 2 years. Then again my hunt was mid September in Wyoming and I didn't need the level of clothing that you will need in October.
I've got 3 years of 100% success with 3 guys on the first trip, 6 guys on the second trip and 6 guys on the third trip. One year it even took us 4 days to fill all the tags..... that was rough.... The other two years we filled all the tags in 2 days. There is more than enough animals and more...
Couldn't you just take some of the meat out of the cooler and set it on a clean plastic sheet or clean trash bag, move the cooler to the ground and then reload the cooler. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Just a thought if you have a significant concern.
Depends on if they are deboned. You should be able to fit 3 deboned lopes into a large cooler either 120 quarts or 150 quarts. We fit 7 completely deboned antelopes ( 4 does and 3 bucks) into a large cooler ( I think it is 150 quarts) and it was packed to the brim. We probably had 20-30 pounds...
I used the third one (free) in that exact same area and it was perfect! The county assessors page is always the best place to find the public roads in any county based on my 4 years of hunting public land in eastern Wyoming. Print that off, highlight the roads in your Wyoming Atlas and you are...
I know you are supposed to play dead, but I know me and I know there is no way I'm just going to sit there and let a bear bight on me. I think I'd try to go for it's eyes or shove my arm down its throat. Either way, I can guaran-damn-tee that there is no way I could play dead with a bear...
This has been asked before and Randy has indicated that sponsors aren't willing to pay for advertising on a doe/ cow hunt since it doesn't attract the same level of viewership. With that said, Randy has taken his son on a couple hunts when he was still pretty young and on the flip side took a...
Not at all! HMA's are the result of a lot of hard work and donations by hunters through the Access Yes Program. You can donate to this when you buy your license if you feel guilty :) HMA's are some of the best hunting in Wyoming and many of them are unlimited access, you just need to fill out...
I think this is spot on. I've come out 2 times for remote backpack trips in Colorado and Idaho . We hiked in 7 miles and made camp in Idaho last year then hiked out 6 days later. Most of my local hunter friends think we were crazy, but then again none of them hunt outside of Minnesota/...
Love office space!
Peter Gibbons: What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Lawrence: I'll tell you what I'd do, man, two chicks at the same time, man.
Peter Gibbons: That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?
Lawrence: Damn straight. I always wanted...
Set a budget. It sucks at first, but solves almost all the money issues. Dedicate a certain amount towards spending money for each of you, then set a budget on how much you are going to spend on the couch before you go shopping. If the couch is more than the budgeted amount, then the extra comes...