Thank you it was a blast we had been up there about 3 times twice during bow season and once during rifle I saw him in the brush at 10 yards the week before but wouldn't take the shot with my bow this time we caught him above the brush in the open
I hunt another one which has less rules than this one it's also 2 man team and you weigh in one limit of squirrel which in Missouri is 10 a person so you kill 2 limit if you can and pick the 10 biggest.
my first public land whitetail 5 mile boat ride on table rock lake then a mile hike up through the rocks and Brush this is the most open country I've ever seen or hunted in and my first deer killed in the snow it was a blast buck ended up being an 11 pt
It's a blast and it really aids in practice for still hunting and is honestly a good method of scouting as I constantly run into deer and turkey. But that's all a bonus the best part is eating these are either going to end up as tacos or squirrel fried rice
I'm looking for some general information on regiona D for mule deer I'm considering putting in for the draw but not sure it not looking for a giant honestly looking for some adventure my goal would be to just spot a deer thanks .