The kids mom was there to help me with the boy. After 2 months the girl was all mine to raise. Feedings in the middle of the night, diaper changes and I still got up and worked a 12 hour day, 6 days a week, did the laundry, the grocery shopping, the cooking and the cleaning. Time off?? What the...
If that makes you happy I'm glad for you. Myself I can't wait till the kids are grown so I can go back OTR. I'm so sick of dealing with the white collar idiots.
The BFG KO's have held up well for me and I do stupid shiot with my Bronco. I have a new set of 32s in the back yard waiting for my 31s to wear out. MY friend has had good luck with the Goodyear MTRs to.
THanks guys I spent the week end getting her going, other than a blown break line at 45mph she's a sweet ride goes straight down the road and runns smooth.
Here it is I tyraded all my old junk off and got me a decent Bike. I'm happier than a hog in slop.
Are you an administrator of the machine?? Ir not start in safe mode by hitting F8 the admin password if no one has changed it will be temp. Then try to install.