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  1. B

    Who is still hunting?

    We have until Jan 11th...I have 8 doe and 3 buck tags that can be filled by season end.
  2. B

    P&Y to drop let-off rule?

    I dont agree that the minimums for entry should be raised to offset technological advances. ElkGunner you used baseball as an analogy earlier...if the ruling were never changed would I as a hunter be frowned upon for using supplements to enable me to hold a 65% letoff bow at full draw longer...
  3. B

    Just another MT doe (w/ some video)

    MTMiller... Thats a great pic and beautiful scenery. How long have you been hunting and how many deer have you taken?
  4. B

    Deer shed,,,and he's still out there!!

    Awesome! I hope to see a pic and story when you run into this big boy.
  5. B

    New world record non-typical???

    That pic and story came from North American Whitetail magazine. Its a fair chase animal and taken fairly but the story describes the hunt as if they had decided one day to kill the family pet. They let the kid shoot the thing as I am sure that makes the story that much more dramatic and...
  6. B

    Celeb hunt, who would it be?

    Big Sky that is AWESOME. The service men and women of this country should be everyones heros. The smiles on your faces say it all!
  7. B

    Bull Elk photo!!

    I am jealous of all of you that can hunt these incredible animals. Thats an awesome bull. Congrats.
  8. B

    one of dads good bucks.

    Great story....thanks
  9. B

    P&Y to drop let-off rule?

    I see the point of everyones argument but nothing is mentioned of technology as it relates to every aspect of bowhunting from range finders, fiber optic sights, carbon arrows, mechanical broadheads, whisker biscuits, string silencers, carbon clothing, climbing treestands etc. Do these not...
  10. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it? PART II

    I love my Bowtech too. I have the Stalker...I only hunt whitetails so I dont have much need for the Sampson. What type of arrows and broadheads do you use with that setup and how fast does that beast shoot?
  11. B

    P&Y to drop let-off rule?

    BuzzH...I see your point and agree that as long as an animal is taken within the limits of the law then I have no problem with the method. I respect your view on P&Y lowering its standards and agree for the most part. I hunt because I love the experience and not for the chance to have my name in...
  12. B

    TN Deer Season

    I have seen some other TN boys and girls in here...what is the deer situation in your areas? The weather has been so crappy here and the only time I see deer is on my way to work. I am interested in a lease next year...any suggestions? I know public land is always a hassle but obtaining...
  13. B

    P&Y to drop let-off rule?

    I dont think the new ruling makes killing a trophy animal any easier than it was when the rule was originally made. I agree that the emphasis is far too strong today on the size of the rack and how well it will score. I guess I am not a purist...if the day ever came that a mature P&Y class deer...
  14. B

    Full Draw-How long can you hold it? PART II

    OUCH!!!! I dont know what you hunt that requires a 100lb draw but comfortable draw weight is an important subject to me as well. My first few bow purchases were heavily influenced by my own "macho" factor and were really not enjoyable to shoot for any great lengths of time. I bought a new...
  15. B

    T Bone's Sheep Hunt II Pics

    Thanks for the replies. I have always assumed that you must be in good shape to be able to make it in such wild terrain. I try to maintain myself but by no means am in the shape necessary to hunt in the same woods that you boys out west do. I have hopes of hunting out west in the next year or so...
  16. B

    Cougar Down

    Ive never hunted cat or know anything about it...can you eat them? Im sure I have eaten cat at some point at a Chinese buffet.
  17. B

    T Bone's Sheep Hunt II Pics

    Awesome pictures. Thanks. I am probably going to be laughed off out here but I have to ask a stupid in the hell do you get the meat out of the woods and into the house on hunts like these? The pictures of the terrain are awesome but i have always wondered how a harvested animal...
  18. B

    Celeb hunt, who would it be?

    Alex Rutledge for me. I met him here in Nashville and he seems like the real deal. My dream hunt though would have been the opportunity to hunt with my Grand Father. He is still alive but in no shape to hunt. I enjoy the stories he tells but would have loved to be in the woods with him. I take...
  19. B

    TN Deer Season

    The hunt continues...Went out several times over the Thanksgiving holiday and had some terrible weather to deal with. The deer were completely out of site most of the weekend. I saw a few does on Saturday but no shot opportunities. I plan to go out this weekend with Doe permits in hand. At this...
  20. B

    TN Deer Season

    How far is Athens from Nashville?
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