Congrats on the rifle! Sure looks to be very well made. I’ve owned 3 muzzleloaders and when you look at all you spend, if a man went with something similar to yours the first time, it’s not that bad. Enjoy it and post up some pics of what you kill with it.
Very nice Muzzleloader. I went to their website and checked them out. Interesting that they sell a barrel for the TC Encore, which is the muzzleloader I use.
I use the metal security boxes that Tactacam sells. I use lag bots to attach the security box to the tree and a small Master lock secures the camera inside the box. You can also use a Python cable lock if you want.
VX5 HD 2x10x42 with the Fire Do to go on my Savage 220. It will replace the Nikon that’s on there now. Also got a Sitka Fanatic Vest, a Sitka Stratus jacket. I really like both those garments and can see me adding the Stratus bibs. Oh yeah, got the Leupold scope cover for the new scope.