Keep up with the bodyweight exercises, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, burpees etc. Cardio when it gets nicer out with the dogs. Hopefully be in great shape for antelope or mule deer and upland birds or coon hunting. Or perhaps to be faster than the kiddo because she likes to get cocky...
I was out there in mid October with the bow, couple relatives had the any deer tag for November as well. They both tagged out on mule deer. I guess I've never had an issue finding whitetails in the hills, it might just depend how picky you want to be. Good luck
My daughter started hunting at 7. Got her a cricket 22 for Christmas one year and a bow when she was 5. I think it all depends how mature the kid is. Getting her into 4h shooting sports helped her with maturity and the safety aspect.
I get burned out, 2 years ago I had 7 tags, last year I had 5, this year 6. Plus pheasants, waterfawl, and helping the kiddo, wife and other family members. Helped guide pheasants a couple times this year too.