So, I'm still snail pacing my way into reloading. Was reading my Lee manual today, and it was talking about case trimmers.
What do you recommend I get? As a beginner, I don't want garbage, but I don't have a million laying around either.
The uniparty strikes again. The whole lot of them are crooks and scumbags Hate on Trump, Biden Obama, Whomever. They are all the reason this nation is going into the toilet
Same. I would shoot coyotes, but only because of the fawn they eat. I haven't yet.
I am getting a bit long in the tooth, so long hiking to high altitudes is out for me. Africa is out because of cost. Mrs. Fan actually won an African hunt for two. This "free" hunt would have cost me about...
I just gave up on this fight with Allstate insurance yesterday. Our policy expires soon. I will go with our small town guy, who might be a bit more, but I have his cell phone number, and will be hunting with him this year.
I have the best marriage in the history of the world. Mrs. Fan is beyond amazing. I can't imagine throwing it all away for a roll in the sack. No sex, no matter what the terms are, is good enough to risk what I have.
Even if the marriage is just OK, the cost is outrageous. I just can't...
I was a public school teacher for 18 years - 11 elementary and 7 High school.
I can't recommend that you find other educational options for the kids. It's just a bad thing.
Has anyone used these? I went to look at the shiny new loads out there, and these were a lot more affordable, and have been around for ever. I thought I would give them a try in my Benelli.
I would love to get a good deal on an AR right now.
Love my Savage 270. Also have a 1017 30-06. Love her. Give me classic quality over flashy, shiny stuff, any day.
Agreed. I was involved in the 4H while I lived in Carbon County. Not here yet. I am pretty busy with the NWTF here in Weston County - chapter president at this point - so I am busy enough.
Hope to run into you sometime!
I am in the process of getting mine complete, too. It's all in, just haven't heard back yet. The local G&F officer here told me that we have no one teaching it here in Weston County.
Where are you?