Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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  1. G

    Cats Aren't Trophies

    I think what we need is resident voters with a brain. Unfortunately those are in short supply these days. RMEF and others ran plenty of front range commercials on the wolf ballot, didn't matter.
  2. G

    Boebert introduces federal legislation to counter CO wolf reintroduction

    Huh, wonder how many elected colorado democrats would vote to support delisting? Will her opponent Frisch from aspen?
  3. G

    Bipartisan legislation proposed to postpone wolf reintroduction in CO

    Some people believe men can have babies too.
  4. G

    CPW Sportspersons Roundtable Meeting 7/22/23

    Thanks for serving!
  5. G

    Word on the street - OTC archery

    Don't lose hope man, there is always hope. What I would propose for archery is resident OTC, and capping non residents. You can get really complicated in how you cap by DAU or GMU, but I will likely propose in any of my testimony to just look at current particpation, pick a number, and revisit...
  6. G

    Word on the street - OTC archery

    Here is a question. I like to read between the lines while listening. If the plan is to retain otc for residents and maybe also nonresidents or as described by elk duds, why do you need plo tags? Why would they throw that out there? You don't need them if the plan is otc. You might offer them if...
  7. G

    Word on the street - OTC archery

    I'll have to ask you all for grace if I fell short with the cat guy. I do not have a decoder ring for cryptic posts, and everyone's hunting opportunity is at stake. this is serious. This deal is just getting started, elkduds. We have 3 new commissioners, an existing commissioner has stated...
  8. G

    Word on the street - OTC archery

    What the hell does that mean? I'm not talking CWD POLICY. Get off your apathetic ass, sign it, and share it.
  9. G

    Word on the street - OTC archery

    Word on the street supposedly leaked by reliable sources is cpw is going to take a stance to limit archery during the BGSS regulatory process. Non residents have out numbered residents for some time now in otc. The dominoes have been falling. In units 80 and 81, they limited due to crowding...
  10. G

    BGSS results

  11. G

    BGSS results

    521 is in elk DAU 14, it is managed the same as the mesa. It may not be on the mesa, its the same herd of 15,500 elk according to CPW. The bear code BE041o1R still works in 521. Look, Boulder and Jeffco open space are saturated with mountain bikers, they are headed that way. I used to hunt up...
  12. G

    BGSS results

    Really? 25 years ago I had to haul a mountain biker off this ATV trail in 521. It runs from McClure pass to Erickson springs campground at the bottom of the road up Kebler Pass. Granolas who ride between Pitkin county and Crested Butte. The biker did an endo, and broke his collar bone, every...
  13. G

    BGSS results

    Yes there is, and of the 2,000 residents who used to hunt in E14, only 17% of them applied as a first choice hunt code. Which is the behavior I am noticing from residents. Nonresidents seem to apply at 50% rate so they dominate the draw from a first choice hunt code perspective, and 2nd, 3rd and...
  14. G

    BGSS results

  15. G

    BGSS results

    My guess is where they most likely went was another archery OTC unit. Personally, Ive never known a bowhunter to jump into 2nd rifle. Expect 3,000 displaced bowhunters from Grand Mesa to head over into NW Colorado this year. This could have been easily avoided if CPW would consider anything...
  16. G

    BGSS results

    Thanks! I'm going to figure that out someday.
  17. G

    BGSS results

    I need some help. So for all you guys and gals headed to BGSS meetings and upcoming sportsmen's roundtables, I pulled the attached together. I've asked for 10 minutes to present at the NE region public roundtable in July, so far my request has been denied. I'm appealing. I thought the...
  18. G

    Big game season structure planning process, meetings scheduled.

    It is at scheels in loveland. Don't forget your wallet.
  19. G

    Point Banking to be discussed again by the CPW Commission

    At the end of the topic in May, they were throwing around a working group, looking at the panel summary from 2018 or something else. I'd be shocked if point banking was brought up again, but that said shocking happens. I doubt anything is going to a final vote in June, but I' be fine if the...
  20. G

    May CPW Commission meeting

    Personally, I don't think the points system needs to change at all for elk, deer, antelope or bear. I have a couple of different elk hunt codes with low hunter density and abundant mature bulls that can be drawn with 2 to 3 points. (I ain't telling more) Look at the stats from 22. While there...

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