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  1. justdada

    Merry Christmas Hunt Talkers!

    Right back atcha randy! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us
  2. justdada

    Moose in Santa Fe

    Is there a state left that fits the criteria?? CO is definitely changing for the worse
  3. justdada

    Fat percent for bratwurst?

    I tried two "off the shelf" mixes and both were dry and bland. I assumed I did something wrong the first time, but the second?? I'll try again using the advice above. Thanks fellas!
  4. justdada

    Three-eyed deer

    That is crazy and may appear in a nightmare now that I've seen it...
  5. justdada

    Fat percent for bratwurst?

    Since we are on the subject, does anyone care to share their recipe/procedure? I've tried making brats and they came out less awesome than I had hoped... sorry for the hijack
  6. justdada

    KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

    It's no joke Kirby, peeps who haven't been there cant understand, having your canoe pulled under and leaving you mid river.. superman or lay down and die. Sounds like you sorted it out
  7. justdada


    Great story Oak! Way to make the most of it. Thats one heck of a Shiras! Thanks for bringing us along!
  8. justdada

    Aging out...what to do with trophies

    Next time you feel the need to give away sheep horns, please keep me in mind! That carved piece looks awesome btw.
  9. justdada

    CO leftover list is available

    Hey now... choose your loyalty.
  10. justdada

    2$ Bill

    I was at the bank today and a fellow next to me asked for $2 bills but they told him he needs to make an appointment for that....
  11. justdada

    Trade or sell Components.

    I've got 100rnds of 7mm 140gr AC. PM and we can sort out a trade for 308 or 6.5 or much more
  12. justdada

    Small 4x4 truck with best fuel economy?

    I've spent enough time in Boulder to say that I will never drive an outback....
  13. justdada

    Home heating with a pellet stove as primary, base board electric as secondary

    A new modern pellet stove would not turn me off of a house. Not a fan of baseboard heat for the reasons listed above, but they would only need to be used when I was out of town and the stove was off. I put a pellet stove in my detached garage and absolutely love it and only need to fill once a...
  14. justdada

    Freeze Dried Meals

    Heathers choice makes good stuff and it's easier on the digestion than some others...
  15. justdada

    CO bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and pronghorn raffles

    Also... real people do win stuff. Unbelievable stuff. Surreal stuff. I've got to get back in shape!
  16. justdada

    CO bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and pronghorn raffles

    Echo what fin said, plus appreciation for all those involved with helping out. It was a fun evening with a great youth program for the kids and lots of good folks helping to support the cause through raffles and the auction items!!!
  17. justdada

    What do I need to know about Moose

    If you can take care of an elk, and aren't too warn out from a lifetime of packing elk... Then you'll be fine with the hard stuff. Biggest shock to me was how far those drooling bulls start moving in late Sept. Good luck to you, I'm sure it'll be a good time!
  18. justdada

    What boning knife do you use?

    Knives of Alaska, totally changed the game...

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