To set the scene a little, My boy loved to go with me hunting, anything.
When he turned 11 he got a paper route and saved almost every cent.
Shortly before he was 12 he bought his first gun a Winchester pump 12 gauge shotgun. we practiced most weekends after that. He was a natural anything he...
There is a difference between "Pink Salt" and pink Himalayan salt.
Himalayan pink is normal salt-colored pink.
"Pink salt" is for curing it has Nitrates.
pink salt for curing vs pink himalayan sea salt
"It is understandable why Pink Curing Salt might be confused with Himalayan Pink Salt. The...
Now that fur is almost worthless I'm going to take there heads and boil them and bleach them and sell them that way. It's easy to do and cheap If you have an in with a hair and beauty shop, I use their Peroxide to bleach.
I'm in one of the states that have no pigs, In fact, Montana has a law on the box that makes it illegal to shoot Farail pigs. So I'm very green as a pig hunter.
I may not know a legit pig hunt if I saw one. That's why I'm asking. I have been in contact with several places across the country most...
Does anyone know anything about this Outfitter?
He is small but sounds like the, we hunt and fairly inexpensive, $400 a day per person.
AND, it's "Only" 26 hours from my house, they have the last 3 weeks in February open.
The GD and I have been shooting since she was 6 years old.
We started with gophers and a 10/22. Then moved into coyotes and Prairie dogs, with her 17 HMR and 6.5 Grendle. Then when she turned 10 I could "mentor" her and hunt deer, here. Her first 4 bucks, all 4 point mule deer and assorted does...
In my mind standing with any kind of Bi. Tripod is a very iffy way to shoot.
My little granddaughter has used shooting sticks and sitting down. When she started (age 10) she was well under 4 feet tall and under 80 pounds.
She is 14 now and still uses sticks and sitting.
I'm genetically hard of hearing and noise-induced from work.
I have prescription hearing aids. They Compress noise above a certain level. I still hear the noise but at a safe level. I shoot a lot too. For range shooting, or shooting in a duck blind with others I use Electronic Muffs over my...
It is a big thumper and the Hammer 200 gr makes it pop.
The boy was using his 358 Norma Mag 250 gr Hammers.
Think we were set for Whitetail Does, Ha ha probably not but they're fun.