I am hunting the Scandia area on private prop and 100 yrds off one water source and 300 yrds off another. I am not sure but don't really think I am competing with other bear hunters. I really hope I can get a chance at the one with the white patch.
Thanks 41.
Thanks guys right now I am thinking I will do some bear crack for the next time I freshen the bait. Try the super soaker filled with liquid smoke trick at the same time. Then check the bait on Sat and if its getting hammered again sit that night. I am not sure what natural food source would have...
I haven't hunted bear in 15 years and this is my first year on my own. It all started out when the farmer who owns the land I whitetail hunt on said a bear got her bird feeder. Being in the metro area and an over the counter tag I figured I would give bear hunting on my own a shot. So went out...