I found this bull during archery season this year. I wasn't sure a euro would come out very good but was proved wrong by my taxidermist. What do ya think?
I think penetration might get overlooked sometimes due to a bow being a bit out of tune. If the knock isn't inline with the broadhead there is no way yo will get the driving force you could be getting.
We could live with them if we could manage them. Government and game agencies have demonstrated they cannot get it done. Until we figure out how to effectively control their numbers, we should save our money.
Before getting too worked up, make sure there was not a travel restrictions change. I've seen the travel restrictions change but the trail closure sign was not. It happens in the Bridgers all the time.
Like I said you see the Right as I see the Left. You are still watching CNN reporting the Russians rigged the election and I am watching riots at Berkeley preventing free speech.
I guess I see the the Left just as you see the Right. I don't agree with some of the the NRAs views on hunting, but I agree with what they say in those messages. This is a hunting forum so I will try to keep it to that topic.
I thought the whole purpose of Hunt Talk was for public land and access. I see now that some are only for access for their type of recreation and to Hell with how other sportsmen recreate. ThE BHA is an absolute infringement on my access rights and I am opposed to it.