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  1. Tomahawk

    Non-resident outfitter license (MT) Bill is up for hearing 2/2/2021 (SB 143)

    It was kind of surreal to watch the parade of 'Don't tread on me' cowboys hat in hand asking the Government for free handouts so they can "keep livin' the dream."
  2. Tomahawk

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Got lucky on a few DIY public land hunts: 2020 Montana Archery 2020 Colorado 2nd rifle above 12,000’ 2019 Arizona
  3. Tomahawk

    Marias River WMA

    I too have heard the tales of the fearsome beasts of the Marias country. Just so you know what you're up against...
  4. Tomahawk

    Montana Sheep Unit 503

    I had the tag in 2018 and spent a lot of time in the unit June - November. Like mentioned above some guys just wait until November and wack one off the blacktop, but that doesn't seem to do the species or tag justice in my opinion. I'll shoot you a pm.
  5. Tomahawk

    Montana Outfitter Tags

    It appears our good friend Mr. Rein and his pals at MOGA attempted to get guaranteed NR outfitter tags pushed through this year in Montana. Does anyone have more information on this, particularly the "endorsed by FWP" part? "Governor Bullock Denies MOGA and FWP Request to Issue Additional...
  6. Tomahawk

    Rattlesnakes while hunting

    Central Montana 2020, found this guy on the access road after packing my bear out. One of the many snakes crawling around the N-Bar.
  7. Tomahawk

    Pros and cons of using ON-X to find hard to access Public Ground

    Have I had more landowner/outfitter confrontations with OnX? Yes. Have I killed more bucks, bulls & roosters with OnX? Also yes. A few landowner/outfitters have successfully bullied the public off accessible public land for years due to boundary location uncertainty. Now GPS/OnX is changing...
  8. Tomahawk

    AZ Late Muzzleloader

    I was down there for this hunt too, found the drag marks from some guys using a sled, thought it was a pretty good idea.
  9. Tomahawk

    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    I spliced three photos together and it turned out kind of neat.
  10. Tomahawk

    Best T-Rex Medicine

    Please keep in mind that all of the dangerous game trophy hunters, dino handlers, scientists, ex-commandos, security contractors, & tough guys who threatened a dinosaur with a firearm were eaten. Choose wisely.
  11. Tomahawk

    Elk or cattle sign?

    They're red angus. Here's some elk for comparison:
  12. Tomahawk

    U.S. supreme Court case - Big decision ahead

    Fair enough, but what should we do when it does? I assume then it will seem obvious we should not have accepted unrestricted year round spotlighting.
  13. Tomahawk

    Montana 2019 Spring Bear Season

    Hard to say with the lack of detail due to the melt, but I'd lean 60/40 towards bear.
  14. Tomahawk

    ND Private Land No Trespass Bill SB2315

    Understood, but if access is tough might as well go where bird numbers are high. It is being debated now:
  15. Tomahawk

    ND Private Land No Trespass Bill SB2315

    My group has traveled to ND for the pheasant opener nearly every year for the past 8 years, hunting mostly private un-posted land. I sent my comments to the local legislators yesterday with very similar talking points to those suggested above. If this passes we'll have to go elsewhere; hello...
  16. Tomahawk

    Arizona CC Hits

    I'm heading back to the Rim!
  17. Tomahawk

    Gila & Sheep

    Thanks guys! I've been following along on HT for quite a while now and figured I finally had something to contribute.
  18. Tomahawk

    Gila & Sheep

    Gila & Sheep No, I didn’t draw a tag for a Bighorn in the Gila, but something almost as rare. I cashed in a lifetime of sub-par luck this spring and somehow drew a late archery elk tag for the Gila and a Bighorn tag in Montana! Summer weekends were spent hiking and glassing for sheep, and...