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  1. P

    Meat Mixers...

    I see Cabela's has a pretty good sale on meat mixers right now. Curious if any one...
  2. P

    Global Warming Hysteria

    The only real threat to Montana's fishing is the rapidly increasing gentrification of Montana.
  3. P

    You can't eat the scenery...

    It looked like a barn yard in there during archery season, but they haven't been hitting is as regularly now as its dried up quite a bit. There are two wallows that size within a hundred yards of each other. Its one of those places that for some reason, no one else but me has found yet :-) I...
  4. P

    You can't eat the scenery...

    ...I've been seeing lots of pics of high desert country on here, so I thought I'd share some of the green jungle we hunt in. Slow season so far. A pack of wolves have moved into my favorite drainage, which has kept the elk quiet and on the move. I almost toasted one of the wolves on Saturday...
  5. P

    Help with stubborn bull

    If you figure it out let me know! This scenario pretty much sums up my entire elk hunting career. LOL. In my experience, it is extremely difficult to move in on a bull unless you are in terrain and wind that really works to your advantage, which doesn't seem to happen very often. As far as...
  6. P

    Experience with Hogue stocks...

    I just don't like the fit of it.
  7. P

    Experience with Hogue stocks...

    Plus, I don't see that Bell and Carlson lists Ruger.
  8. P

    Experience with Hogue stocks...

    Its not a rifle I want to spend much money on. Its one I plan to use as a beater for carrying on an ATV, or for keeping in the truck. I may just sell the thing. By the time I put a new stock and a decent trigger on it, I'd have spent more on it that what I paid for it.
  9. P

    Interesting opening morning

    It can be frustrating, but I think its always best to try to make an effort to work with other hunters, especially if you plan on hunting that same spot again. If you're friendly, at least the guy might try to be more accommodating next time, which is not likely if you're antagonistic. I have...
  10. P

    Experience with Hogue stocks...

    ..I have a Ruger M77 Hawkeye (with the new style safety) that I'd like to swap out the plastic factory stock on. I am looking at getting a Hogue, but have a few questions. Ideally, I'd like a stock that is already inletted, that I can have bedded. However, its seems like many aftermarket...
  11. P

    Cecil the Lion

    I've spent quite a bit of time in Zimbabwe, based in Vic Falls. I worked as a river guide on the Zambezi through the Batoka Gorge. The company I worked for also ran hunting operations.Several of my very close colleagues were either licensed professional hunters or apprentices. They worked the...
  12. P

    Friday music

    Thanks for sharing that one. Hadn't heard it before
  13. P

    Sheep rifle

    7mm Rem Mag would be my choice of caliber. As for rifle, that's tough one. Hard to find a tight shooting "production" rifle.
  14. P

    To keep or not?

    Chains fit just fine on my Tacoma, and I am running some very heavy duty chains by Quality Chain Corp. You lose just a little turning radius but they clear just fine. I used to have an F250 as my work truck, and I found that my Tacoma got around way better off road than the Ford. The new...
  15. P

    new to forum

    Pocatello and Rexburg are both super awesome places with plenty of cheap land.
  16. P

    Idaho - Public Land Politics

    Remember one thing. Crapo isn't going anywhere, and nothing is happening with out his support. Choose your battles wisely. Moreover, the only people I've seeing crying over this vote are people that don't really even matter like Barker and Philips. The last comment I have on this issue is...
  17. P

    Idaho - Public Land Politics

    Both Barker and Philips are completely misguided in attacking Crapo over this vote. You'd be hard pressed to find any one else in the US Senate that has done more to permanently protect public lands than Crapo. Lashing out at him over this one vote is counter productive, and unwarranted. All...
  18. P

    Idaho Wolf Numbers..

    Rich Landers of the Spokesman Review does a good job here of explaining why the latest howling from radical enviro groups over Idaho's wolf numbers is bunk...
  19. P

    Idaho - Public Land Politics

    If you've followed Barker's column at all, you'd know that for the last 10 years he has been the bitch mouth piece for Defender's of Wildlife. This has made him pariah #1 among sportsmen in Idaho. There may be some wolf lovers in sheep hunter's clothing out there attempting to claim otherwise...
  20. P

    Idaho - Public Land Politics

    True, and I completely agree there are far more important things that need their attention. But, it is also not some new surprise. Idaho is dominated by agricultural interests, and the Sagebrush rebellion thing has been going on here forever. IMO - It is just being recycled as a political...