Might be?
They should of thought about that before developing forest management plan and MVUM! Walk into there office plenty of people who can open a lock not to mention plenty of vehicles to get them around. Were expected to abide by there published rules and they dont?
if closure date ends 1 May gate should be open on that date! I dont care if it takes a snowmobile, helicopter or parachutes sign doesnt say "when we feel like it". Anything ouside those dates or if legit reason to keep closed it should have a closure notice issued, signed and posted. Deal with...
There is ZERO reason why nonresidents should be allowed to horn hunt! I think all states should be resident only 1january-1june, tourists and NR hunters can pick up souvenirs rest of year that way.
I only shat in median of 2 tracks since nobody walks there. Normal vehicles clear it fine but after a night of Mexican you Subaru bros might get a special mud stain
Was out shed hunting this weekend, found some great horns. On way back to truck i glassed a lion on a kill in a ditch futher up the hill. Decided i couldnt get close enough to shot with only gun i had (my bear 44) so i made move to hike back out to truck grab the 260rem drop off horns and extra...
I cant believe with modern science and animal lover funding they haven't cured natural causes, its just not fair. Taken way to early, now he's eating calfs in heaven, RIP woof.