Mid day update. Shooting light started at about 810 and ends around 550 tonight. Hit the fields first hoping to get lucky. No luck saw one die and one small buck. A field I can’t hunt but I have to drive by usually has around a dozen deer out in it. It had one today. Due to lack of action got...
Loose ends are being tied up at work as I plan to deer hunt for the next ten days if needed. Propane has been filled and an extra tank purchased. These last couple hours at work will drag by and sleep will be short tonight. The wind is supposed to be perfect to sit the bait that my two target...
Yes o did. I went back once more but shouldn’t have. Saw about 10 Mulies both times. Biggest was a 140 class deer. What a waste of a super a draw tag. It was zone 44 tag. I grew up in 29 it used to be an amazing zone
I think the 4pt would be 135 ish he has long tines but weak brows. The other buck should be upper 150’s or 160 for sure big beaks good tine length and brows. Often our deer have weak brows
They are grouped up just like elk after the rut. Or alone. Some people like this time of year but I find it hard to hunt. Here people like to push bush and track for November moose
Been my experience they hole up in beaver ponds or alder thickets. If your run into a moose “wintering range” usually everything is snipped off and a really busy spot will look like a person went through with hedge trimmers. Over time from getting snipped off every year the bushes will almost...
Ran baits this morning and made some final prep for season opener on Friday. Couple places suprised me with the amount of sign laid down for not a crazy amount of activity on camera. The bait I had lowest hopes for so I placed a normal camera on actually had the most deer and does. The other...
I’m not much of a pheasant hunter but I usually take an annual trip to southern Sask every December. I have always been fortunate there has been enough snow they hold tight. But need a dog to get them up as they won’t flush till they are off the dogs nose
Kind of lol I think I would shoot that big 5x4 now that I saw in early October. Unfortunately for me he seems to have vacated the area My best is 152 I think so anything above that better watch out