NC is reknown for bigguns. On my list, too, but I want a coastal stand hunt. Faulkner-esque.
Just read an article on baited bear hunts near Myrtle Beach. That's new to me!
A dove load would work at 20. My last several were with 13/16oz from 25-35 yards or so.
I favor trumpets and tubes for calls, but whatever you can most closely match to a hen the gobbler knows works best. The only time it isn't is if the hen sounds like a box call. I've seen gobblers avoid...
The limit on the 44 is mostly due to trajectory. 150 yards is practical. For longer range, a sporter version of whatever you use at work. .308 is never wrong.
As much as I hate opening new ones, I still like to get the CD when I buy music. Most I buy you either get a CD, maybe you can download load, but not both so I rip mp3s.
Last CD you bought? Downloads count too I guess. Oliver Anthony was last here.
Funny to me is I listen to that station via Internet. Hardly ever listen to actual radio, though I happened onto WTUF by accident the other day. Bluetooth disconnected and that was coming out of the speakers so I left it until we traveled out of range.
It may untwist when strung. You can get the twist out with heat, but in my experience it comes back eventually. The bow will likely shoot fine either way.
Somebody said they have no talent. Neither do I but that doesn't stop me hacking away at an acoustic. Butchering Shady Grove at least every other day really helps with arthritis. Also it makes the wife n kids groan. So there's that. does a good enough job explaining that stuff that I feel like I can understand. The problem I have with I bonds is where they're held and how taxed. Tips and agency bonds within a Roth are worth considering.
I like the way SC low country does it. You can use anything you want all season long. Too many people wasting game because they were funneled into using a method of take they have no talent for. Awful lotya animals wasted by broadhead when a rifle would have done it cleanly.
I've lived under some of those dots. We get some without being too obnoxious often enough that its unremarkable.
Last big hatch was about 13 years ago. Very loud, very long. Ruined the fishing in the river we lived on. Curiously didn't work for bait, though.
Drenching clothes in 2oz water soluble permethrin per gallon of water works, but it stinks pretty bad at first. The stinky phase will repel mosquitoes. Later they just don't land for long. Other bugs jump off or die. Permethrin is a nerve agent and does act on you with direct skin contact...