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  1. ZBB

    6th times a charm?

    Good luck dude.
  2. ZBB

    Colorado hunters- did the state survey you about harvest success?

    I got a call last night about archery antelope.
  3. ZBB


  4. ZBB

    Pet Peeves

    I-25 from Fountain to Fort Collins...probably more of a strong hatred than a pet peeve..
  5. ZBB

    Always check your turret caps

    I wonder if a neoprene scope cover would fix those issues.
  6. ZBB

    Voormi coming to Bozeman MT

    How dare you sir...those burn fossil fuels. Scoffing from my high horse...
  7. ZBB

    Meindl Vakuum 10.5

    I don’t wear a 10.5, but I want to get a pair of miendls, their website says they run about a half size small, is this what the issue was? Good luck selling the boots.
  8. ZBB

    2019 Alaska Bison Hunt - Start date November 2nd

    That’s a bummer about the backstraps I guess I envisioned a giant slab of meat at the hump too. Like a prime rib only wicked long. Congrats on the hunt, awesome write up.
  9. ZBB

    Anyone hunt Ibex in Tajikistan?

    I’ve hunted in the country south of that. If I were a betting man, its southern border has something to do with the price tag. I’d go to New Zealand.
  10. ZBB

    Pet Peeves

    People that post terrible shot groups and ask what’s wrong, and the subsequent group of experts that never consider terrible shooting fundamentals rather than faulty equipment.
  11. ZBB

    Gun Safe/Locker

    I have a cannon 28 gun scout. From what I remember it was around your price point. I have two scoped rifles, a 22 and 3 shotguns on one side, and shelves on the other. Things are getting pretty tight but if I organized it a little better I’m sure it hold more. I got mine because of my offspring...
  12. ZBB

    Montana hunter reports killing grizzly bear in self-defense

    I’m right there with you dude. I don’t agree with the ballot initiative either, it seems like a chickensh!t way to go about it. It does take the science out and forces it to be political. I wouldn’t feel bad about the Yellowstone thing, we were there once and tourists were looking in the woods...
  13. ZBB

    Shooting an Intruder

    When I can’t sleep at night on my pillow top mattress I get jealous of those a-holes that can sleep through their door being kicked in sleeping on a rug on a dirt/concrete floor...then I watch YouTube.
  14. ZBB

    Elk Meat 2019/Euro Mount Question

    Not exactly the same, but I wrapped this whitetail with plastic wrap and went around it with electrical tape. I didn’t put anything in the water at first so I could get a lot of the “stuff” off the crown. After that it was water and baking soda and I kind of laddeled the water up on the crown...
  15. ZBB

    Montana hunter reports killing grizzly bear in self-defense

    I laughed way to hard at that story. I agree with what you’re saying though.
  16. ZBB

    NAFA debacle - options? they have a Facebook page that updates their routes and pricing as well.
  17. ZBB

    Mule Deer Scoring/Pictures

    That’s awesome!
  18. ZBB

    Who or what got you into hunting and the outdoors?

    My dad, when I was a kid I longed for the days of going to the bighorns with my dad, uncles and cousins. About the time I started hunting they all quit getting along and I was pretty involved with wrestling so it never happened. I hunt with a recurve or longbow mostly now due to my dad, uncle...
  19. ZBB

    Pet Peeves

    If I didn’t have a severe dislike for socializing, you and I could drink beer together.
  20. ZBB

    What are your 2020 plans?

    I admire some of the planning that goes on here. I don’t know wtf I’m doing this weekend. I know I’ll put in for a Wyoming type 9 tag as of right now though, if that helps.