Sorry to hear about it, crappy situation. do they have a trailer that needs be towed back? If not, would look at a cheap rental car. Maybe uhaul pickup and tow the wrecked pickup home?
Sytes, lots of good videos on the YouTube on replacing props, I’d check out some of those, good luck. One thing I’ve learned with boats, there is ALWAYS something that needs maintenance or repair!
I quit on a Colorado deer hunt midway through. Excuses were: burned a hole in my tent first day (I did not shank it to death after words), got two flat tires, couldn’t get where I wanted to go due to muddy roads, couldn’t keep my beer from freezing at night, etc.
A guy I met early on the hunt...
I wouldn’t take it personally if no one is jumping on the offer to join you on a hunt. I can think of about 100 reasons why I don‘t want to go on a hunt with someone I don’t know, and only one half of a reason I would. Spots or areas get burned with too many friends of friends coming back on...
Kiewit is doing the job, they’re no dummies.. still not sure why it’s taking so long, my guess is engineers screwed up the design and caused delays waiting for redesigns . Just a hunch
Yeah sure anything can be called, it would just be nice to see some consistency especially at the end of the game. I don't care about who wins these games, I would just like to see fair competition to the end, and these inconsistent calls that seem to favor the ketchup man rob of us of that...