The bigger, the better, right? I'm not looking for a specific size of buck. That day might come after I have a few more mature bucks under my belt but that's not where I'm at yet. Appreciate all the thoughts. The weather had always been on my radar especially after this past year. Migration less...
I wish I could pose this question in a poll but its not as straightforward as I want it to be.
Essentially what's going on is that I've been using leftover deer tags to hunt Colorado for the past half decade. Doing so allows you to build up some points while still getting out in the field...
The plan is for a September trip so you might be waiting awhile for my story. And thankfully I'll have friends with me who care more about taking pictures than I do so there might be some memories to share
Appreciate all the replies. I'm leaning more toward a charter depending on how many guys we can get to defray the costs. Course even if we were to get more guys, I think a charter cost would limit our trip to non overnight ventures as the costs I'm seeing for chartered overnight boats are a...
Yeah, not excited about that. Seems like there's ticks in the spring, flies in the summer and maybe a brief window in the fall where the bugs are dead and the lakes haven't frozen over yet. Might try a fall trip in the future after I get this first trip under my belt.
I've got a buddy who lives out in California who wants to go Tuna fishing out of San Diego. Never been and don't necessarily know what I'm getting into. Looks like there are options in duration and location and charter vs party boats. Was wondering if any of you have been who might be willing to...
One thing that confused me and I actually went back and watched director Prenzlow's comments a second time. It starts around the 7:38 mark if you want to know what I was talking about regarding the definition of a "quality" unit. Based on his comments I am given to understand that based on his...
A good place to start is if you can physically get to where you want to hunt.
That link will include road closures that currently includes a good portion of I-70. And just took a peek at the weather forecast for Grand Junction and the weather...
Working full time doesn't let itself well to the way the commission seems to structure their meetings. Working from home allowed me to catch a good portion of their online commissioners meeting here in July but that was the first time I've been able to follow along. @Oak is there a specific...
I've spent a lot of time digging through the stats on the CPW website but have yet to pay for any data from them. And I know the column in question on the below screen capture is listed as an estimate and you have a lot more granularity in your data from 2018 above but feel like if you wanted a...
Any of you all Spear fish in Colorado? Sounds like they're thinking about changing what you're able to take with a spear fishing set up. Think you can only take Carp and Pike currently but are talking about opening it up for a lot of other species. The senior aquatic biologist was on the Terry...