Non-residents and residents should loose their points when getting any tag. This is mainly in Colorado for elk
I say that even though I believe in Arizona you should only lose your points for your first or second choice. There are left over tags that a person could draw on a third choice but...
I’m a mule deer guy but when it comes to az mule deer there aren’t many good hunts south of the big ditch. North of the ditch take a lot of points, yea you can get lucky. I’d go with coues with that low number of points unless you just build points till you can get an archery or early kiabab tag.
It is a racket but they said that up front. And unless you’re waiting for hunts that take 25 years it doesn’t really help you. A guy applying for hunts that take 7 points and can draw 3 times in your 25 years doesn’t “really” need it.
How is this putting you one point behind? You already have this point. You just “paid” more for it. If you mean you’re a point behind because others can now get it that’s weird way to look at it. Almost every resident in az has it so we are all on an even playing field.
If it’s the same thing, and based on the name, it’s a great fire starter. Used it on a late bull hunt in az and it basically goes up in flames when it sees fire.
Well unless you’ve been making comments on the travel management plans get used to it. People think they are loosing access to the forest which I loose my mind when people bring that up.
I’m guessing you’re on the Apache Sitgreaves forest. They have no rules against driving cross country at any time and they even rescinded the closed roads law. So there are technically no closed roads on the a-s and people can drive anywhere. The terrain in az lends it self to being able to...
The only thing I would disagree about is planning more than one year in advance. I think having a rotation of states you go to and buying points in states your not planning to go to that year. That way you should be able to know youre going to draw a tag in the state you apply for. I'm not...
Arizona puts theirs on the website. They have re-done it a bit so it is now easier to read. Go hunt buys info from Wyoming that most people cant get. or atleast they used to