In some cases yes, in some cases no. We can't substitute our personal data analysis for every issue facing us in life. We have to take some things at face value or we will be paralyzed. If you don't trust any numbers and think you can do better yourself, 99% of the time you will do nothing of...
The one point of the paper is that if you have a strong pre-belief you will work hard to disbelieve the numbers in front of you. It may be because you fancy yourself an internet statistician or your may know you are right so the data must be fake. The paper does a better job than veratasium at...
Seems like a good point in time to reflect on how our preconceived political beliefs turn us stupid. This is not partisan - it is all of us - it is both sides. Now is also a good time to take a deep breath and not use "beliefs" and assumptions as a guide to understanding reality.
I strongly encourage all to share far and wide -- MN North Shore is a horrible horrible place and no one should go there. Stay away! It is too cold, too remote, too buggy, too MAGA and there really isn't much water to be found in any direction.
(on the bright side, the immigrants will...
Call me simple, but sounds like the bullet did its job - resulted in a carcass not a wounded animal. I understand why we want expansion (or more like petal shedding in the case of Hammers) - and anything close to a semi-predictable failure to take animals cleanly would be a problem I would not...