thanks a lot Ace. i really appreciate it. i’m excited to hunt new country and i’ll probably hike a good bit just bc i love it. yeah i talked to a warden and heard very similar stuff. not expect to see a big one but expect to see plenty of deer
seriously no offense to people hoping to draw moose and bear tags, but deer elk and antelope are impacting a lot more peoples plans you’d think that they could have been aware of that enough to get those big three out in time to get an app in for WY and hopefully we’ll know in time for idaho.
hey i saw you pmd the original poster. i live super far from vernal but i was forced to cancel my scouting trip i was going to make with my son in august. any pointers for general areas to hike away from a road and find a better than 2 point the local wildlife personnel say is the average buck...
thanks! i thought i was asking a dumb question. but i’m waiting for some state worker to think aha we can charge more money for a separate points scheme. like now they’re doing for archery antelope in montana
thanks Big Fin. are they separate points or just the same points you’d use in the primary draw? i know that sounds like a dumb question but i heard some wacky stuff like it has separate points
somebody said “your odds don’t accumulate it’s still 2%”
you’re right and wrong. each year it is 2%. but if you apply for a 2% draw odds hunt every year for 20 years you will have a much greater than 2% chance of drawing it once in those 20 years. think of it as having 20 chances for a 2% event...
i live in maine and i have a bar/restaurant that was cruising along until we were ordered to be closed 3/17. i have to borrow to keep me going bc im building a second bar and paying huge rents with no income if i have to borrow 4-5k extra to go hunt the three tags im super likely to draw this...