If you agree that it will be paid for by the middle class, how do you argue that it helps the middle class?
A corporation is not a person with feelings that cares. It is a business model that tries to be profitable and stay in business. Many of the same middle class that have jobs also have...
Where did I say one word about cutting corporate taxes? I said raising them hurts consumers. The same folks you think it helps.
You probably think raising the minimum wage helps the poor and middle class. Speaking of brain washed....
Like you said, there isn't some corporate fairy that pays these tax increases. Everything you mentioned negatively affects the consumer. People who think that raising corporate taxes helps the lower/middle class are delusional.
Not saying that there should be zero corp tax. But increasing it...
I have a simplistic view because it is simple economics. When expenses increase, the cost of goods increase. It doesn't matter if it is taxes, the minimum wage, or the price of eggs. If any of those expenses increase, it is passed on to the consumer......as much as possible. This hits the...
It is like some on here don't believe the politicians when they tell us what they are planning on doing. Defending the indefensible in my eyes. Especially by "sportsmen"
Feel free to list all the programs where the govt starts it and then reduces the scope and authority. Perhaps the IRS if you don't count the 87,000 new agents to be hired and millions of rounds of ammo :ROFLMAO:
It will make it harder the same way that "15 days to flatten curve" ended up with you can't go to church, you can't go to school, you can't see your dying wife in he hospital, you can't have a funeral, you can't have a job, you can't be in the military, mandatory vacs, etc.... etc.... But you...
Why would any of these globalist GoZillionaires ever feel the need to go nuclear and virtually destroy the planet. That would be an end to them and their gravy train. How would that benefit the ones with the power to pull the trigger?